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Physical Exercise Is One Of The Important Requirements For Esports Athletes To Achieve

Esports is currently happening. Especially since it was competed as a demonstration sport at the 2018 Asian Games yesterday. This causes many gamers to aspire to become reliable esports athletes. But what are the requirements to become an accomplished esports athlete?

So far, many wrong thoughts have developed in the minds of gamers. They think that the more they play, and the more they participate in matches, the more they can improve their abilities.

Is this true ? It turned out not to be one hundred percent true.

There are several things that gamers should really pay attention to. The first is actually physical exercise.

Esports games in general are a type of strategy game that requires speed of thinking, and high concentration for a long time. The difference between the winning team and the losing team, is often determined by the ability of the gamer to concentrate more fully than the other side.

And to be able to concentrate fully for a long time, physical fitness is one of the most important requirements. This actually makes physical exercise one of the important requirements for prospective esports athletes.

If gamers like to swim, then swim at least 2-3 times a week. Conversely, if gamers like to play tennis, then play tennis several times a week.

Through these physical activities, the body can become healthier, so gamers will be able to concentrate longer.

On the other hand, playing games for hours every day will actually make the body unhealthy, and in the end will reduce the ability of gamers to concentrate fully when competing.

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