The Simple Facts Behind the Masterpiece, NieR's Exclusive Interview with Yoko Taro
It’s no secret that NieR has now been recognized as one of the favorite action RPG franchises. Starting from a franchise that received less attention, its name began to get high recognition after the release of Automata which seemed to open people’s eyes to the real appeal of this franchise (not just about the waifu robot factor). With the presence NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139… back in April, now fans can enjoy the original game which received strong praise for its storyline in the best quality.
We happen to be fans of the franchise as well, and when we got the chance to interview the eccentric creator Yoko Taro, it was certainly a rare moment that couldn’t be missed. After sending various questions that you want to ask, finally today we have got the answers which you can see below!

GamerWK: Seeing its popularity, many people ended up playing NieR Replicant ver. 1.22 after Automata. In comparison, the early part of the Replicant game feels more relaxed and has a lighter tempo. Are you worried that some players will feel bored, let alone know that the main character is not a beautiful android robot?
Yoko Taro: It’s a pretty long question, and I’m not sure if I really get the point, but if your question is “Do you want to be popular with women?” then the answer is “Yes”.
GamerWK: Apart from Automata and some story endings that end up like jokes, every NieR game and even Drakengard has 5 main endings – is there a specific reason why 5 is the number that is often used as the number of endings?
Yoko Taro: Actually there is no specific reason. In addition, the first Replicant game only had 4 endings. The ending of the fifth story, which at that time was in the official guidebook, can only be added to the game through the release of NieR Replicant ver.1.22.
GamerWK: Both of NieR’s main games have received widespread acclaim for their musical quality. How much did the development of the game’s music affect your work in concocting the world’s setting and story?
Yoko Taro: Music is a very important part, but it rarely affects the game’s world setting and story during the development process. Okabe-san as the composer, was late in submitting his work, so if we waited until the music was ready, then the release of the game could also be delayed.
GamerWK: Even though the gameplay has changed in ver.1.22, the combat in NieR Replicant still feels less smooth than Automata. Is there a reason not to make the combat system have a faster tempo?
Yoko Taro: The idea came from Ito-san, the game director at Toylogic, so you can interview him if you want to know about it. There are very deep reasons for this decision. Possible.
GamerWK: One thing that has always intrigued me about NieR is how the franchise started from one of the endings in Drakengard. What made you decide to use this idea as the basis for your next original work? Is there any possibility to create new universes based on NieR as well?
Yoko Taro: The relationship between Drakengard and NieR’s ending is actually just a naughty joke. As for whether there will be a new universe created, it’s all up to Square Enix, so please contact producer Saito-san.
GamerWK: The NieR series has always been known to be so melancholic, with a unique sad story impression. Can you talk a little bit about how to create a character that makes people feel connected and empathetic?
Yoko Taro: In order to create a character that can make players feel empathy, we have taken examples from many popular works.
GamerWK: Is there some kind of cross-cultural experience that inspires you to create NieR games?
Yoko Taro: I was influenced by many people in the real world, who argued with each other in the most ridiculous and senseless ways.
GamerWK: Despite their reputation as a bleak and heartwarming series, NieR’s games in the end always carry a message of hope. Can you talk a little bit about how to bring optimism even in a bad scenario?
Yoko Taro: What each player feels at the end of the NieR story will always bring a different impression. Some may feel hopeful, while others may feel hopeless. I’m happy to be able to provide a different answer like that.
GamerWK: Papa Nier was chosen as the protagonist in the original NieR Gestalt game, could we possibly see him back in the future, apart from the DLC for Replicant?
Yoko Taro: I’m not sure, but maybe if Saito-san from Square Enix wins 10 billion yen from the lottery, maybe something will happen.
GamerWK: Replicant has a long story timeskip up to 1,300 years at the beginning of the NieR story. Can fans see the story that happened until he became Shadowlord, be it through DLC or maybe a new game?
Yoko Taro: If you’re a curious fan, I’d love it if you joined Square Enix to make the game. Or rather, it would really help me if you could do it..
GamerWK: How likely are we to see a Drakengard remake?
Yoko Taro: Maybe….about 3cm?
GamerWK: We think a lot of people appreciate your honesty in engaging in interviews, did you know this might inspire other game directors?
Yoko Taro: I don’t know…ok, goodbye!
Well, that’s the summary of our interview session with Yoko Taro. As expected, his answers were always to the point, simple, and gave a little bit of humor. Although there are still many things we want to ask, at least the interview above has provided answers to some very curious things.
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