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Unmemory Interactive Novel Game Coming Next Month

Unmemory is a mystery-themed interactive novel game for iOS, Android, and Steam coming on October 13th. Developed by Patrones y Escondites and published by Plug-in Digital, Unmemory is now available for downloadpre order by players.

But what kind of game is Unmemory? Basically, Unmemory brings its narrative in the form of a story. Our protagonist tries to find the killer of his girlfriend, but he suffers from a kind of amnesia. In order to find out who the killer is, the protagonist must use all the clues he has gathered in his quest.

This is where the interactive part of the game begins. After reading some of the Unmemory stories, players will be given a type of puzzle for them to solve. The solution or clue for this puzzle will be in the story the player has read. By doing this, Unmemory incentivized players to pay close attention to every word they read. You can see more examples of Unmemory gameplay in the Tweet above.

Overall, this game will have 8 chapters. The plan is that each chapter will deal with one aspect of memory. For example, the memory aspect in the first chapter is about time. Other aspects will include taste, touch, pain, even music.

On the other side of the story is the Killer Kittens, an all-female art group. Their goal is to fight the sexist system of society through art jokes and turn the robbery itself into a work of art. One of these robbers is the murderer of our protagonist’s girlfriend. How will this story develop? Play this game when it releases to find out.

For more info on Unmemory, visit them on their Facebook website, and Twitter they.

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