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5 UFO Locations in GTA 5 + How to See Ufos, Guaranteed to Meet UFOs!

ufo location in gta 5

5 UFO Locations in GTA 5 + How to See Ufos, Guaranteed to Meet UFOs! – UFOs are one of the most sought after objects by GTA 5 players. Here’s how to see UFOs and UFO locations in GTA 5.

Many GTA 5 players are curious about how UFOs look like in GTA. How to see UFOs in GTA and in any location to be able to see UFOs in GTA 5. From all this curiosity, Gamexran finally decided to provide information regarding UFOs in GTA 5.

But before you read how to see UFOs and UFO locations in GTA 5, there is one thing to note. You need to know that there is one main requirement to be able to see UFOs in GTA. The condition is that you must successfully complete the GTA 5 game 100%. This is an absolute or mandatory requirement to see the flying object. If you haven’t finished 100%, then don’t expect to see UFOs in GTA 5.

How to See UFOs in GTA 5

ufo location in gta 5

1. Specific Time

UFOs in GTA 5 don’t appear at random times. There are certain times when you can see these flying objects in GTA. The thing you need to know is when UFOs appear in GTA 5. Because some locations can be seen at night or during the day. There are even locations that require certain weather in order to see UFOs.

2. Use a Helicopter

Because UFOs are objects flying in the sky, then you need a helicopter to be able to fly higher and see UFOs. What if using a jet or other types of aircraft? Can not. Because only helicopters allow you to fly higher and stay still somewhere. If you use another type of aircraft, you have to fly forward and can’t stay somewhere to observe UFOs.

3. Ships and Diving Equipment

There is one UFO location on the seabed where a large UFO sank in the sea north of Los Santos. To be able to see this UFO wreck, you need a ship and diving equipment. Because the location of the UFO is at the bottom of the sea which is quite deep.

UFO locations in GTA 5

1. Mountain / MT. Chiliad

ufo location in mt chiliad

This is the most visited UFO location by GTA 5 players. Because this location is famous for seeing UFOs, many GTA 5 players who have not parked 100% try their luck at this location. The way to see UFOs at MT Chiliad is to come there from 3am to 5am in thunderstorm weather. To get lightning weather, you are allowed to use the weather change cheat. R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, Square.

2. Beam Me Up

Beam Me UP is a location on Sandy Shores. This place is a colorful proof that has a lot of alien graffiti. To be able to see aliens in this place, you have to use a helicopter. UFO on Beam Me Up will appear at night. Use a helicopter and fly as high as you can until you can actually see or see a UFO. Warning! Don’t get too close to the UFOs at this location, because if you get too close, the helicopter’s engine will shut down and you’ll fall.

3. Military Base

ufo location in military base

The UFO at this location has a different shape and is arguably quite cool. The location is above the GTA 5 military base and only appears during the day. To be able to see this UFO, you need a helicopter and fly as high as possible until you meet the UFO. Just like at the Beam Me Up location, when you get closer to this UFO, the helicopter engine will die. You can also bounce if you try to jump on it.

4. UFO that sank in the sea

As Gamexran explained earlier, you need to use ships and diving equipment to see UFOs on this seabed. But if you don’t have diving equipment, you can simply use the immune blood cheat. Located in the sea north of Los Santos, you can see this UFO anytime and without the need to park 100%. But it is not clear whether this UFO can be seen on GTA 5 PS3 or PS4 only or both.

5. West Vinewood

ufo location in gta 5

UFO in GTA 5 this one is quite unique, Gaess. You don’t need time, weather and you don’t need a 100% special park to be able to see this UFO. Because basically this is just an architectural design of a building located in West Vinewood. It’s not far from the biggest cinema in Los Santos or the location where you help Lacey Jonas from being chased by reporters. But if you come at night, there will be unique lights in the UFO building. The most interesting thing is that if you approach this building, a UFO or alien sound will appear.

So that’s how to see UFOs in GTA and the location of UFOs in GTA 5 that you can find easily. Don’t forget the main requirement to see some UFOs at the location above, Gaess.


Hopefully it’s useful, Gaess.
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