7 Facts about Erza Scarlet in Fairy Tail, What's in the Suitcase?

7 Facts about Erza Scarlet in Fairy Tail, What’s in the Suitcase? – Erza is a favorite of many fans. Here are the facts about Erza Scarlet’s character that you must know.
Erza Scarlet is one of the most interesting characters in Fairy Tail. She is the strongest female character and charming personality. This is what makes Erza the strongest member of the Fairy Tail guild.
However, as the story progresses, you will see how the real story of Erza Scarlet is. There is a dark period that always haunts Erza and all of that makes us even more aware of who the real Erza is. To deepen further, Gamexran will explain to you 10 facts about Erza Scarlet Fairy Tail that you must know.
10 Facts about Erza Scarlet in Fairy Tail
1. Erza Character Design
Erza Scarlet facts we start from the design, Gaess. As we all know that Erza always uses her armor and sword. And this fits perfectly with Erza’s characteristics who seem disciplined and serious.
During the fight Erza will also use a lot of rizah clothes and other weapons that are very stunning. However, did you know that Erza’s original character design turned out to be much ‘wild’? According to mangaka Hiro Mashima, he originally made this design because at first he wanted Erza to be a female character who was feared by Natsu. And it worked. READ ALSO: 10 Applications to Watch Anime Sub Indo 2021, Updated!
2. Erzas Battle Stats
Maybe you guys are confused by power Erza outstanding. However, if you read the Fairy Tail manga, maybe you will know how high Erza’s battle stats are.
It was a fact that Erza Scarlet had near-perfect stats. On a scale of one to five. Erza is ranked fifth in attack power, defensive power, speed and swordsmanship. READ ALSO: Main Character Jujutsu Kaisen: Date of Birth, Age & Height
3. Erza’s Suitcase
The third Erza Scarlet fact is the suitcase she always carries when she travels. These are facts as well as information that may satisfy you. If you are confused why Erza always carries a lot of luggage.
The contents of Erza’s suitcases are armor and other additional weapons. In addition, Erza also always brings food and other cooking ingredients. All of this is intended so that anyone does not run out of food during his trip. READ ALSO: 8 Anime Made by WIT STUDIO Besides Attack On Titan, 100% Cool!
4. Unplanned Characters
Mashima once said that he never planned anything for Erza’s character. He doesn’t know he wants to make Erza like what and how the background. Everything you know about Erza Mashima was written down during the Fairy Tail storyline. READ ALSO: 10 Quotes by Eren Yeager Attack On Titan in Indonesian
5. Uncontrolled
This is a fact of Erza Scarlet Fairy Tail that you may not be aware of. There are several parts that show how Erza can’t control herself while drinking. If you drink too much, Erza will become more aggressive. Erza can also be forgetful, and doesn’t recognize people when she’s drunk. READ ALSO: 4 Places to Watch Naruto Shippuden Sub Indo on Facebook, Full Episode!
6. Insecure
From Erza’s personality, many do not know the facts of this Erza Scarlet. Erza always feels insecure or insecure. Actually this was explained to Erza when her past was revealed. The reason why he continued to wear armor was because he always felt insecure without it.
Erza also often cries silently, Gaess. This is because he feels guilty and sad that he cannot protect the people he loves. READ ALSO: 10 List of the Most Beautiful, Most Cute & Kawaii Anime Characters
7. Relationship with Jellal
Jellal lost his memory because he had been brainwashed, and the only thing he could remember was Erza’s name. He said that Erza sounded like a name full of kindness and warmth. This shows how Erza’s character is and how the relationship between the two is so deep.
Those are 7 facts about Erza Scarlet in Fairy Tail that you may not know. How? Now you know more about Erza’s character. You also already know what Erza carries in her suitcases while traveling. However, if it’s in real-life, maybe Erza has to spend a lot of extra money for the suitcases, right, Gaess. Hehehe. READ ALSO: 10 Strongest Female Characters in Persona, Izanami the Strongest?
Hopefully it’s useful, Gaess.
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