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Build Items Gear Clint Mobile Legends The Most Painful + Savage + The Strongest 2019

Want to know which item build gear Hero Clint Mobile Legends hurts, the strongest Auto Savage Top Global? In this article, there are Hero characters from Mobile Legends who are inspired by the folklore of Clint Eastwood from Uncle Sam’s country.

This hero is also named Clint who looks like a cowboy by holding 2 Magnum and Shotgun firearms. This Clint is a Marksman type who relies heavily on his passive skills to attack enemies.

In Clint’s background, it is told that everyone who was born in the Wastelands knows that he is the only equality of justice in the area.

Even the bravest of thieves would not dare to challenge Clint and his six shooters. With his lightning reflexes and unparalleled accuracy, he buried a number of bullets in the foreheads of his opponents before they could even blink.

Clint had previously reworked only once which was a different appearance than before and his skills were still the same, nothing had changed.

And for this discussion, here will provide some information about Clint’s build that deals high damage as a Marksman.

Then a discussion about the skills, Emblems, Spell/Ability, and how to use this Clint Hero. this is Clint Mobile Legends’s Worst, Savage, Strongest Gear Build Item.

Build Item Gear Clint Burst Damage hurts

Clint is a Hero Marksman who attacks from a distance and relies heavily on his passive.

So Clint must build items with high damage and not rely too much on builds to increase his Attack Speed. Then you can follow the recommendations for building the Worst and Strongest Clint gear item below:

1. Gear ‘Rapid Boot’s’

Build Gear Clint Mobile Legends 1

First there is the Rapid Boots item which will give +50 Movement Speed ​​to the user or Hero.

Boot’s are very useful at the beginning of Clint’s game so he can be fast for jungle and agile to attack opponents or just cover turrents.

2. Gear ‘Berserker’s Fury’

Build Gear Clint Mobile Legends 2

Second, is the Bersekers Fury item which will add +65 Physical Attack, +25% Crit. Strike Chance.

For uniqueness will add +40% Crit. Damage and passive is Crit. Hit will increase the Hero’s Physical Attack by 5% for 3 seconds. With this item, it is useful to increase the Power or Damage of the Hero’s attack.

3. Gear ‘Scarlet Phantom’

Build Gear Clint Mobile Legends 3

Third, buy a Scarlet Phantom. Buying this item will add +30 Physical Attack, 40% Attack Speed, and + 10% Crit. Strike Chance. With his passive gives 25% Attack Speed ​​and Crit. Strike Rate 5% to Hero for 2 seconds.

4. Gear ‘Endless Battle’

Build Gear Clint Mobile Legends 4

Fourth, is the Endless Battle item. This item adds +65 Physical Attack, +25 Mana Regen, +250 HP, +10% Cooldown Reduction, 5% Movement Speed, +15% Lifesteal.

And the uniqueness of this item is that after using the skill, the next Basic Attack will give an additional 85% of Physical Attack as true Damage.

This effect has a cooldown time of 1.5 seconds, then after the divine effect activates the hero’s speed increases by 15%.

5. Gear ‘Demon Hunter Sword’

Build Gear Clint Mobile Legends 5

Fifth, is the Demon Hunter Sword item that gives +35 Physical Attack, +25% Attack Speed.

And the passive is that basic attacks will deal 10% of the target’s current HP as additional physical damage (up to 60 against monsters). Then each Basic Attack gives 4% Health Strealing for 4 seconds. Up to 3 times.

6. Gear ‘Blade of Despair’

Build Gear Clint Mobile Legends 6

This last item will cover Clint’s full build which will add +170% Physical Attack, 10% Attack Speed. With his passive inflicts an additional 10% of enemy damage on each abnormal attack.

The Uses & Skills of the Deadly Hero Clint Mobile Legends

Like most Markman-type heroes, Clint also relies on gunfire which is his main weapon.

Clint’s Passive Skill: Quick Draw

Clint Quick Draw Passive Skill

After releasing the skill, the next Basic Attack will pierce the target along a straight line, dealing 120% of the Basic Attack as Damage.

Skill 1 Clint: Blind Smoke

Skill 1 Clint Blind Smoke

  • Cooldown: 10.0 sec
  • Mana Cost: 80

Projects smoke, dealing 150/180/210/240/270/300 pts of Physical Damage to enemies in the area. Basic Attack Ratio for enemy heroes in smoke area will decrease by 25%/35%/45%/55%/65%/75%, Movement Speed ​​will decrease by 60%.

Skill 2 Clint: Heels Rope

Skill 2 Clint Heels Rope

  • Cooldown: 12.0 seconds
  • Mana Cost: 65

Shoots the trap forward, dealing 140/160/180/200/220/240 pts of Physical Damage to the first enemy it hits and slowing the enemy down. While the Hero will step back for a certain distance.

Clint’s Ultimate Skill: Howitzer

Clint Howitzer Ultimate Skill

  • Cooldown: 2.0 seconds
  • Mana Cost: 65

Throws a grenade at the target, dealing 230/290/350 pts of Physical Damage when hit and explodes. Can be loaded up to 5 grenades.

Use of Emblems on the Strongest Clint Mobile Legends Hero

Clint is a Marksman-type Hero, so set his Emblem using a Physical Emblem. If your Physical Emblem level has reached level 30, it is recommended to use the talent sequence below, give the points you have to the attributes:

Build Emblem Clint Mobile Legends 1

  1. 3 Points = Vitality
  2. 3 Points = Bravery
  3. And passive Emblem use Life Drain (if Emblem level reaches level 20),Open Fire (if Emblem level reaches level 30).

Another emblem that is specific to Marksman-type heroes is to use the Marskman Emblem. If your Marskman Emblem level has reached level 40, it is recommended to use the talent sequence below, give the points you have to the attributes:

Build Emblem Clint Mobile Legends 2

  1. 3 Points = Bravery
  2. 3 Points = Swift
  3. And passive Emblem use Weapon Master (If Emblem level reaches level 20), Hot Pursuit (if Emblem level reaches level 30), and Weakness Finder (if Emblem level reaches level 40).

Spell or Ability That Matches Hero Clint Mobile Legends

Spells that are suitable for use by most Marksman heroes are in the form of Flicker and Retribution, so Clint also uses this or not.

1. Flicker

Flicker Mobile Legends

Choose the Spell or Flicker ability which will teleport straight ahead so that it will avoid being chased by the enemy if your skills are all cooldown. Tips Flicker across the stone wall, so the enemy will rotate first if chasing you.

2. Retribution

Retribution Mobile Legends

The second recommended spell or ability for Clint is Retribution. This spell or ability will give 600-1440 to forest monsters or to minions and to be reused you have to wait for Cooldown for 30 seconds.

Raptor Machete Mobile Legends

In addition if you want to use Retribuiton, the first item you buy is Raptor Machete. This item adds +30 Physical Attack, +15% Physicah PEN.

Of course you can retribution your opponent or enemy Hero whose effect will reduce the Movement Speed ​​of the target or opponent by 70% for 3 seconds.

Tips for Using Hero Clint in Mobile Legends, the Sickest, Strongest, Savage

How to Use Hero Clint Mobile Legends

For the strategy of using Hero Clint, there are several things you should pay attention to. Here are some tips that you can learn to use Hero Clint smoothly.

1. Clint Slowly But Surely

How to Use Hero Clint Mobile Legends 1

Don’t worry if you lose the level of the enemy Marksman. Just try not to die the most important thing and always be vigilant and keep your distance. Because that way during the Late Game you will be able to act to help your team.

The most important thing is for keep your distance, do some farming, and try not to die. And try to farm and it’s okay to use Ulti for monsters because only 2 seconds Cooldown and minimum Ulti ammunition must be more than 1.

2. Clint Can’t Run

How to use Hero Clint Mobile Legends 2

For those of you who have used Clint, you must already know how easy it is for Clint to be caught by the enemy if you don’t keep your distance unless you have the Flicker spell and that’s the only way.

Clint’s 2nd skill isn’t even enough to escape. Therefore it’s better not to use spells inspiration, because Clint needs a spell that can make him keep a safe distance, namely Flicker.

3. Always Be Alert Around

It is a rule for Mobile Legends players that usually Marksman is always in the mid line. And this is sometimes a Marksman only focuses on enemies in the mid line.

Also beware of anticipating enemies who are at the top and bottom line. Because the enemy could go to the mid line to attack you. Always look at the mini map on the top left to always monitor.

4. No Combination of Clint’s Hero Skills

It’s true that Clint doesn’t have a combination of skills, because Clint’s way of fighting relies more on his passive. Because every skill released by Clint is passive, which gives 120% of Basic Attack and the attack distance is quite far.

So the right way to attack the enemy is:

How to Use Hero Clint Mobile Legends 3

  • Ultimate Skill -> Press Basic Attack
  • Skill 1 -> Press Basic Attack
  • Skill 2 -> Press Basic Attack (although the downside is that you have to jump backwards)

And don’t forget Clint’s Ulti is very fast which is only 2 seconds so you have to hang Clint’s Ulti and passive skills

5. Keep a Safe Distance

Clint’s biggest weakness is that he can’t have skills that can get away from enemies or slow enemies except Flicker. Therefore Clint must really be in a safe zone to attack and stay alert to his surroundings.

Some Hero Weaknesses Hero Clint Mobile Legends

This is the hero who is the weakness of heroes like Clint and most other Marksman heroes.

1. Hero Helcurt

Hero Helcurt Mobile Legends

For Hero Assassins this can be a troublesome enemy for Marksman. Helcurt, which can be said that his skill 2 is very sick, it is very important to watch out for.

Because the Ulti Helcurt skill that can be deadly or can temporarily disable your skill + your Movement Speed ​​will be slowed so that those of you who use it can’t dodge or run away. Even spell or ability flicker is disabled too.

How to Deal with Helcurt

The only way to deal with Helcurt is when Helcurt issues his Ulti skill and the screen becomes limited, try to get close to your turrent or try to find your friends on a team to cover each other.


ML Marksman hero users like Clint are just great users, because it’s not easy to use Clint and most Marksman type heroes, so are you one of those great people who is good and strong.

It’s quite rare for Pro Players and Top Globals to use MM heroes like Clint, but it’s not impossible to use in ranked, but it’s important to pay attention to how to play and use gear so that attacks can be strong and deadly.

So if you think that Clint’s build gear hero above is strong enough and the sickest, don’t forget to share this article with your friends… greetings auto savage.

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