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Build Items Minotaur Mobile Legends Worst + Savage + Strongest Gear 2019

Want to know the build item gear for Hero Minotaur in Mobile Legends, the Strongest, Auto Savage Top Global Donkey? In this article, we will discuss about Hero characters who are inspired by mythological creatures who are half human and half bull.

By carrying a large hammer as a weapon this Minotaur is very difficult to conquer, because the Minotaur is a Tanker that is very difficult to die because the HP on the Minotaur is the highest from other Tanker Heroes.

Doi can also be a support for the team because there are regen skills for teams around the Minotaur. In the background of the young Minotaur is the most talented and powerful Minotaur in the kingdom.

It was only until he was defeated by a young man from a faraway land. As a very talented Minotaur, his confidence was so hit that he finally blamed himself for being weak.

In order to become stronger and invincible, he chooses to enter the Minos Maze and begins self-training with the help of the power of the Twilight Orb. In the story that the Minotaur is the son of Bima and Arimbi from the Arcapada universe.

After being lost and beaten near death, the Minotaur emerges as a mighty warrior from the Pandava clan who possesses supernatural powers that he gained from his primary training in the heavenly cauldron, Candradimuka.

With Antakusuma’s armor and the twin gauntlets of Brajamusti-Brajadenta, he can fly through the sky like lightning and hunt down his enemies. The Knight of Priggadani is a symbol of the courage and devotion of the Minotaur character.

For this discussion, here will provide some information about the Minotaur build that will deal high damage to the enemy then a discussion about the skills, Emblems, Spell/Ability, and how to use this Minotaur Hero.

This is the Worst, Savage, Strongest Minotaur Gear Item Build in Mobile Legends.

Build Item Gear Minotaur Burst Damage hurts

Minotaur is a Hero Tanker that attacks at close range. Although at close range the Minotaur is very difficult to beat because it is very hard so it is perfect for supporting the team, especially when there are regen skills for teams around the Minotaur.

So in order to be able to support your teammates and to defeat the enemy, then you can follow the recommendations for building the Worst and Strongest Minotaur gear item below:

1. Gear ‘Warrior Boots’

Build Gear Minotaur Mobile Legends 1

First by buying the Warrior Boots item by buying these shoes it will give the Hero +22 Armor and its uniqueness is +40 Movement SPD, with physical defense it will increase by 5 with several attacks received, for an increase to 25 points then it will last 3 seconds.

2. Gear ‘Cursed Helmet’

Build Gear Minotaur Mobile Legends 2

Second, by buying the Cursed Helmet item which will give +920HP, +50Magic RES.

Unique Passive Burning Soul : Nearby enemy targets will receive 1.5% of their total Max HP as Magic Damage every second. Deals 50% additional damage to Minions.

3. Gear ‘Oracle’

Build Gear Minotaur Mobile Legends 3

Third is Oracle items. with this item will add +850 HP, +36 Magic RES, +35 HP Regen, +10% Cooldown Reduction. And his passive within 3 seconds is attacked. Hero will regenerate 8% HP, this effect has 8 seconds cooldown.

4. Gear ‘Immortality’

Build Gear Minotaur Mobile Legends 4

Fourth, buy Immortality which will give +800 HP, +40 Magic Res.

With the passive Resurrect after Death with a pause of 2 seconds after death and gain HP and Shield it can absorb 300 – 1000 Points from attacks. Shield lasts up to 3 seconds and Immortality will cooldown for 180 seconds.

5. Gear ‘Courage Bulwark’

Build Gear Minotaur Mobile Legends 5

This fifth item will add +770 HP attack, + 10% Cooldown Reduction. With his passive increase 10% attack power and defense for friends around.

Minions around will deal more damage to the turret. And when activated this item will give additional Movement Speed ​​of Hero and closest friends by 30%.

Also increases Physical and Magic Damage by 20%. Lasts for 3 seconds and has 40 seconds for Cooldown and after updating this item can be activated manually.

6. Gear ‘Sky Guardian Helmet’

Build Gear Minotaur Mobile Legends 6

This last item is a defense item, namely the Sky Guardian Helmet. This item will increase the Hero’s HP by +1550 HP, +100 HP Regen and for the passive is to regenerate 1.5% of the Hero’s HP in 5 seconds.

Killing enemies increases the regeneration rate by 0.4% while Assists is only 0.2% – 3.5% (including kills and assists before purchasing this item). This effect disappears after 5 seconds when the Hero takes damage.

The Uses & Skills of the Deadly Hero Minotaur Mobile Legends

So what is the deadly skill of this big guy, with a big body full of muscles.

Minotaur Passive Skill: Rage Mode

Minotaur Rage Mode Passive Skill

When an Ability or Basic Attack hits an enemy, the Minotaur will become bigger.

When Rage is full, the Minotaur will enter Rage Mode and receive extra Armor and Magic durability (effect will increase as level increases), as well as additional effects for his Ability.

When Rage Mode subsides, Minotaur will not be able to collect Rage for some time.

Minotaur’s 1st Skill: Despair Hammer

Skill 1 Minotaur Despair Hammer

Uses a warhammer and deals 350 Physical Damage to enemies within close range in front of him, also lowers the enemy’s Movement Speed ​​by 65 percent. If in Rage Mode, the attack distance will be greatly expanded.

Skill 2 Minotaur: Motivation Roar

Skill 2 Minotaur Motivation Roar

Strengthens self and surrounding allies, regenerates 340 HP for yourself and gives allies 50 percent Healing. If in Rage Mode, the Rage Regeneration effect will be activated for 2 seconds, so the Minotaur will regenerate HP after taking damage.

Minotaur Ultimate Skill: Minoan Fury

Minotaur Minoan Fury Ultimate Skill

Hits the ground in succession, causing a shockwave that deals 180 Physical Damage to nearby enemies and 180 pts of True Damage. And slow down the enemy’s Movement Speed ​​by 70 percent.

If in Rage Mode, hitting speed will increase, Minotaur will deal extra attacks, and enemies will be thrown into the air.

Use of Emblems on the Strongest Mobile Legends Minotaur Hero

Minotaur is a Tank-type Hero, so set his Emblem to use a Magical Emblem. If your Magical Emblem level has reached level 30, it is recommended to use the talent order below, give the points you have to the attributes:

Build Minotaur Emblem Mobile Legends 1

  • 3 Points = Vitality
  • 3 Points = Bravery
  • And passive Emblem use Life Drain (if Emblem level reaches level 20),Open Fire (if Emblem level reaches level 30).

Another emblem that you can use is to use the Tank Emblem. If your Emblem Tank level has reached level 40, it is recommended to use the talent sequence below:

Build Minotaur Emblem Mobile Legends 2

  • 3 Points = Firmness
  • 3 Points = Inspire
  • And passive Emblem use Tena City (If Emblem level reaches level 20), Brave Smite (if Emblem level reaches level 30), and Attack And Defense (if Emblem level reaches level 40).

Spell or Ability That Matches Hero Minotaur Mobile Legends

Like most heroes from Tanker, the Minotaur is perfect for using the spells below.

1. Flicker

Flicker Mobile Legends

The first recommended spell or ability for the Minotaur is Flicker. This spell or ability function will teleport straight ahead so that it will avoid being chased by the enemy if your skills are still all cooldown.

Tips Flicker across the stone wall, so the enemy will rotate first if chasing you.

Tips for Using Hero Minotaur in Mobile Legends, the Sickest, Strongest, Savage

For the strategy of using this Minotaur Hero Tanker, there are several things you should pay attention to. Here are some tips that you can learn to use Hero ML Minotaur so that you can support the team to the maximum.

1. Tanker Minotaur Cover Friend Tasks

How to Use Hero Minotaur Mobile Legends 1

Don’t forget to cover your teammates whether it’s war or not like a Mage/Marksman/Support type Hero who doesn’t have Armor.

And try to attack as well and look for and target the weakest enemy first so that the friend or partner you cover will attack the enemy you face.

2. Play Safe To Help The Team

Play as usual, cover turrent and your partner and try to push if possible. But if you meet a strong enemy like a combination of Vexana and Lancelot.

Maybe you will have a hard time so the tips are on a defensive position while eliminating the existing minions. And when you want to attack try with the right timing or have to lock the weakest target first.

3. Use the Minotaur Ulti at the Right Time

There are still many players who don’t know or don’t understand how to use Ulti Minotaur properly so they can get to Rage Mode.

How to Use Hero Minotaur Mobile Legends 2

If the Minotaur reaches Rage Mode, it will give increased physical attacks and the attack area will increase. So from this, this is how the Minotaur gets to Rage Mode.

How to Use Hero Minotaur Mobile Legends 3

  • Make sure the red bar under HP is at least 30% or more
  • Then use the Ulti skill and hold it until the Minotaur is deep Rage Mode.

Some Hero Minotaur Hero Weaknesses in Mobile Legends

This is the hero that we think can hinder the movement of the Minotaur, check below guys.

1. Hero Alucard

Minotaur is very suitable when combined with a hero who has the role of “Assassin” or “Mage.” The second Minotaur ability is Motivation Roar, shouting to give encouragement to himself and his friends who can provide healing effects.

When in rage mode, the healing effect will last for 2 seconds and allow the Minotaur to regenerate when attacked by his enemies then when the Minotaur takes out his Ultimate.

Alucard can jump into a crowd of enemies and do a Free Hit with his Lifesteal.

How to Deal with Alucard

The trick is according to the tips given, which is to hide and attack the Ulti suddenly. And remember never to attack alone.

Try to call a friend so you can support to kill Alucard. And try to cover your teammates.


So, above that, the Minotaur hero build gear is quite strong and sick, you can apply the gear settings above to prove yourself, keep in mind that experience also plays a very important role in using this Tanker hero.

So if you are interested in becoming a Top Global Minotaur or becoming a Pro Player, especially on Tank type heroes, it is highly recommended to practice this hero by using strong and suitable gear and emblems.

Don’t forget to always practice sparring either in mode, classic, brawl or custom, so that your skills and experience are honed while you are already using the Best and Strongest Minotaur hero build gear.. greetings auto savage.

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