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Guess the City Name Answer Key on WhatsApp (WA)

Guessing games are very popular these days. There are lots of guessing games like Guess Guess 2020 to Guess the Product Name and others. However, there is one game that is no less popular today. The game is Guess the City Name on WhatsApp.

For those of you who want to increase knowledge about cities in Indonesia, this game is perfect for you. Moreover, it is quite fun for us to guess.

Just like the previous guessing games, this time Gamedaim will also give you the answer key for the game. This game itself has a final level of up to 20. We will give you all the answer keys for this one game.

Curious about this? This is the Answer Key to Guess the City Name on WhatsApp (WA) Check below.

The Game Answer Key!

Level 1

Answer: Singapore

Level 2

Answer: Sukabumi

Level 3

Answer: Lampung

Level 4

Answer: Probolinggo

Level 5

Answer: Surabaya

Level 6

Answer: Bengkulu

Level 7

Answer: Lombok

Level 8

Answer: Bali

Level 9

Answer: Unfortunate

Level 10

Answer: Balikpapan

Level 11

Answer: Push

Level 12

Answer: Jember

Level 13

Answer: Bintan

Level 14

Answer: Tasikmalaya

Level 15

Answer: Salatiga

Level 16

Answer: Surabaya

Level 17

Answer: Banyuwangi

Level 18

Answer: Pumpkin Hut

Level 19

Answer: Jambi

Level 20

Answer: Kalimalang

Level 21

Answer: Bekasi

Level 22

Answer: Sopeng

Level 23

Answer: Poso

Level 24

Answer: Polewali

Level 25

Answer: Tidore

Level 26

Answer: Hammer

Level 27

Answer: Madura

Now, That’s the Answer Key to Guess the City Name on WhatsApp (WA) Level 1 – 20. With all the answer keys that we have provided above, you can answer the questions in the Guess City Name game in WA very easily. Of course all the answers are correct and you can use.

There are still a lot of Game Tips & Tutorials that we haven’t given to you. Therefore, always visit Gamedaim yes.

Source: KabarGames

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