Nintendo: Stop Cleaning Switches and Joy-Cons With Alcohol!
In the midst of the global COVID-19 pandemic, it is indeed forcing us to live clean and healthy. For example, washing hands frequently to cleaning furniture at home using a disinfectant or alcohol-containing liquid. But for the latter, you should start reducing it, especially for your favorite consoles. Because, Nintendo recently gave an appeal for Switch owners to stop cleaning the console using alcohol.
This appeal was delivered directly by customer service via Twitter. They urge you to stop cleaning your Switch and Joy-Con with alcohol. The reason is because it can change the color to damage, especially for the plastic parts on the console. Not only alcohol, Nintendo also asks Switch owners not to use other cleaning fluids that can damage plastic components.
“We also cannot recommend the use of non-alcoholic disinfectant sheets, as depending on the ingredients, they can damage plastic components,” Nintendo wrote. “For cleaning purposes, please use a soft dry cloth,” he added.
Nintendo Switch本体やJoy-Conをアルコール除菌したい」というお問い合わせをいただくことがあります。
— (@nintendo_cs) April 10, 2021
For those of you who have a Switch at home, it’s a good idea to follow Nintendo’s advice. Because in addition to damaging the plastic components, liquid alcohol can damage the whole machine in the future.
Source: my box
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