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Rainbow Six Siege Will Get Crossplay Feature

Until now, Rainbow Six Siege does not support the feature crossplay which makes players hope that this feature can be present. However, R6S players can now be happy, because their wish will come true in the near future after Ubisoft confirms this.

This can not be separated from the confirmation of Jean-Baptiste Halle as the director of this game.

Crossplay Features for Rainbow Six Siege

Rainbow Six Siege Crossplay
Rainbow Six Siege Crimson Heist | Dexerto

During a recent preview event for Crimson Heist, Game Director Jean-Baptiste Halle told PC Gamer that these features are a work in progress.

We are actively working on cross-progression and crossplay. In the realm of consoles, I think it would be great if PlayStation and Xbox players played together.

Say Jean To PC Gamers

Halle said that crossplay will shorten game search times, especially in areas with a larger population of console players. He gave an example in the Asian region where PlayStation users are far more than Xbox. Meanwhile, the PC platform is considered one of the places that is suitable for the R6S.

According to Halle, there are shortcomings that occur when this feature is released. One of them is the advantage of PC users who use a keyboard and mouse. Unlike Warzone and Fortnite, Rainbow Six Siege has no assist controls for players. This makes it difficult for them to shoot or issue utilities.

R6S New Carrier Arrival

According to available information, Flores is an operator created to produce various explosions, one of which is the RCE-Ratero drone which is capable of punching holes and destroying enemy equipment. The operator will be released in Season 1 Year 6.

Especially for Flores’ drones, the equipment is not much different from most drones in general. Even so, this drone will not be able to be turned off once it is active. Moreover, damage The resulting product is also quite large for a drone.

Not only drones, Flores will also use several weapons such as AR33 and SR-25, and GSH-18 as weapons secondary weapon. For the grenade sector, Flores has access to Claymores as well as Stun Grenades.

To be able to get Flores, you have to wait until March 18, 2021. Even so, Battle Pass owners can play Flores 2 weeks earlier before this operator is available and played by the public.

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