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Sean 'Seang@res' Gares Expelled From TSM Due To Disputes At PEA

Player who recently signed with TSM Sean “[email protected]Gares, announced his dismissal after TSM player and owner Andy “Reginald” Dinh had a dispute over the handling of a letter recently issued from 25 North American players to team owners at PEA.

Sean”[email protected]Gares, who was only announced nearly a week ago as officially a TSM player will be expelled due to the impact of the player rights movement, which began with a signed message by 25 North American players, including those on TSM, announced by Scott “SirScoots” Smith acting as their representative, regarding PEA’s move to stop players from PEA teams from competing in the ESL Pro League next season.

After [email protected] leaking logs of his conversation with Reginald, this TSM owner released his own Twitlonger and accused [email protected] manipulate the entire team into signing something they have never seen or agreed to. However SirScoots explained that the players have agreed to the letter, which is contained in this tweet, and none of the players who asked for their support for this letter to be withdrawn.

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