The Reason Garena Changed Character Names Adam and Eve
There are two characters that were first released in Free Fire, namely Adam and Eve. After a long time Adam and Eve were present in Free Fire, Garena decided to change the names of these 2 characters. The news is quite surprising for Free Fire lovers.
The first question that comes to mind is “What caused Garena to change the names of these two characters”?. So, instead of getting more curious, it’s better for you to keep reading about the reasons why Garena changed the names of Adam and Eve.
Adam and Eve’s New Names
In the holy book, the names Adam and Eve were the first humans on earth and Free Fire used this name because Adam and Eve were also the first characters in the Free Fire game. So, the reason why Garena changed the names of Adam and Eve was to avoid things that could offend religious people.
Garena officially changed Adam’s name to Primis and Eve to Nulla. Many players appreciate Garena’s decision because they care about religious people. But there are also players who are comfortable with the names Adam and Eve.
Primis and Naula

Although the names of these two characters have changed, it has no impact on the Free Fire gameplay. That’s because these two characters only changed names but in terms of character skills there was no change at all.
Primis and Naula are the default Free Fire characters, of course if you are a Free Fire player you know about these characters. Primis and Naula have no skills at all, but she can change skin color as you wish. Because they don’t have skills, these two characters are rarely used by players.
So, have you got an answer to why Garena changed the names of the two characters?
That’s enough information about the reason Garena changed the names of Adam and Eve. Well, if you don’t want to miss information about the game world, don’t forget to update the information by visiting Gamedaim or installing the application.
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