This Online Game Event Will Enliven Your Eid
Can you just have a vacation at home after Eid? Do not be sad. Many online games that make events fun, really. Take advantage of this holiday to brush off all the events and get all the cool prizes. Ready? Come on, check the list first events in-game the following
1. Dota 2
Events Battle Pass 2021 in Dota 2 can be a filler for your Eid holiday at home. The number of prizes that you can get will be your motivation to level up your Battle Pass.
Battle Pass 2021 Dota 2
2. TERA Awakening
This MMORPG game from Lyto Game also has events fun to liven up the atmosphere of Eid. There are two events which took place on 3 – 9 June 2021.
- Fill in a minimum of 1430 TERAID Wallet during the event period, then you will get a prize directly without being drawn. 3 lucky winners will be selected for those who fill up at least 11000 TERAID Wallet to get a grand prize.
- Create a new Lytogame ID during the event period and level up to at least level 40, you will get a direct prize in the form of a pirate costume and up to level 65 to get a prize in the form of an Arborea Crystalline Lucky Box.
Eid event with TERA.
3. RF Online Classic
In RF Online Classic There are many events Eid that you can take part in from May 28 – June 11, 2021.
- Eid Special Blessing Premium (28 May – 11 June 2021)
Players with Premium Service status will get Premium Card 4 which gives EXP and PT effects as much as 300% and also adds attack and defense by 5%.
- Eid Holy Blessing (28 May – 11 June 2021)
During the period events, players will get a Drop Rate Bonus on characters of 700% for premium players and 400% for non-premium players
- Eid Great Sale 2021 (29 May – 10 June 2021)
Events This applies to all Item Malls at RF Classic Indonesia. All items will have a 30% discount. That’s great, right?
- Patriot Reborn (3 – 9 June 2021)
In this event, players can return to Basic Jobs (Warrior, Ranger, Spiritualist, Specialist) twice. Back to nature, yes!
RF Online Classic Lebaran Event
4. Crossfire
Crossfire held an event to celebrate Eid. This event takes place on May 29 – June 11, 2021.
Get direct prizes without being drawn by making purchases during the event period.
Cross Fire Bonus Eid Event
5. RF Online
Not much different from the classic version, RF Online also offers exciting events to welcome the Eid holiday. This event takes place on 29 May – 9 June 2021:
- Lebaran Beacon (29 May – 9 June)
At the appointed time, a Beacon will appear. If it is successfully destroyed, the Beacon will issue cool items that are useful for helping your adventures in the world RF Online. Beacons will appear on 4 folder simultaneously, namely in the headquarters of each nation, in front of Elan, Sette, and White Hole Ether Doors.
- Lebaran Sale (29 May – 9 June)
On events These are all Item Malls in RF Online Bakak is discounted by 30%.
- Rate Up (31 May – 9 June)
Drop and XP Rate on each server will be increased. Time for farming and leveling, here.
- Lebaran Gift (5 – 9 June)
Players who logged in during the period events with a minimum of logging into the game 3 hours per day will get a variety of cool prizes.
To get a gift on events this is the easy way, lol. Players only need to top up a minimum of IDR 200,000 during the event period. You will immediately get prizes without being drawn. Interested?
RF Online Eid Special Event
So, if you don’t need to worry anymore, you can only have a vacation at home. The game events above can be an alternative and fill your vacation time. Happy holidays!
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