Twitch Now Bans 'Simp and Incel' Words

Twitch Now Bans ‘Simp and Incel’ Words – Updated Terms of Service. Twitch adds a new banned term or word. Here are the details!
2020 may be a controversial year for one of the most popular live streaming services, Twitch. During 2021, Twitch is trying to update its rules or Terms of Service. As a result, not a few streamers have to be banned from Twitch.
The new rules or Terms of Service have now been updated and will take effect from January 22, 2021. This official regulation contains new policies such as regulating ‘hate behavior’, racial, sexual language and insults to beliefs, race, religion, gender and so on.
Simp and Incel Words Banned By Twitch
What are the forbidden words by Twitch? After updating the rules or Terms of Service, there are three new terms or word restrictions: Simp, Incel and Virgin. These three terms constitute a violation of sexual contempt for a person. What is the term incel? Incel is a term aimed at derogating anti-women. BACA ALSO: How to Get a Twitch Pet on Among Us, FREE!
‘We will take action against the use of terms like ‘simp,’ ‘incel,’ or ‘virgin’ specifically when they are being used to negatively refer to another person’s sexual practices. Using these terms on their own wouldn’t lead to an enforcement.’
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While some people don’t seem to think this is a good rarity. While there are still many other cases of prohibition or ban that should be more important. Like many streamers who have been banned because of unclear rules.
Terms of Service or Twitch regulations have always been controversial for its streamers. It also includes Twitch’s efforts to create a better, healthier live streaming platform and community than any other live streaming platform. What do you think?
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About the author: @ransltn
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