Rumor: PS 5 and PS 5 Pro Will Release Next Year?

2019 will indeed be the last year for consoles Sony namely the PlayStation 4. The news regarding the presence of their latest console, the PlayStation 5, is indeed getting widely rumored. Coming in February 2021, this time the PlayStation 5 is rumored to be coming with a variant PlayStation 5 Pro.
This rumor itself comes from a journalist from Japan named Zenji Nishikawa. While doing a live stream of Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, he said that later the PlayStation 5 would immediately release two variants at launch next year. These two variants consist of PlayStation 5 Standard and PlayStation 5 Pro.
Unfortunately the information provided by Zenji not so accurate about how the performance and price that will be priced by Sony for the two variants of their latest console.
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Even though Zenji is known for its accuracy in providing information or predictions, but it’s good that you don’t expect too much that later these two variants of the PlayStation 5 Standard and PlayStation 5 Pro will be present next year in February 2021. It’s safer, you guys continue to follow the news on Gamexran so you don’t miss out. news about the PlayStation 5 yes.
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