Latest Skin Leaks from Epic Showcase November 2020 - Yi Sun Shin
The latest skin leak from Epic Showcase in November 2020 featuring Yi Sun Shin!
Soon, there will be a new month in which there will be lots of changes to the Mobile Legends game, especially from one event that comes regularly every month.
The event is called Epic Showcase which presents several prizes in it and the main prize is Epic skin for the specified hero.
At the Epic Showcase in October 2020 itself, Granger – Agent Z became the main prize at the event which you can still get right now because the event is still ongoing.
ALSO READ: Starlight Mobile Legends Skin Leaks for November 2020
Meanwhile, for the main prize for the Epic Showcase next month, the leaked skin is Yi Sun Shin named Lone Destructor.
The appearance of the latest Yi Sun Shin skin itself is very cool, with a look like ninja / kung lao (mortal kombat) but with its own characteristics of arrows and swords.

In addition, this skin is predicted to be very popular considering that the current hero of Yi Sun Shin, his name is on the rise after the revamp he received some time ago.
The current criticality has increased dramatically compared to before, which did not have a large enough damage as a result of being left by the player.
Apart from that, when will Yi Sun Shin’s newest skin be present at the Epic Showcase, reportedly on November 5, 2020, which you can get for 3000 diamonds.
And you can prepare your diamonds from now on to draw at the Epic Showcase Yi Sun Shin in November 2020.
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