8 Best Heroes to Climb the MMR Rank of Dota 2 2020
Need tips to rank up effectively? Here’s a list of the best and strongest dota 2 heroes to rank up and climb MMR quickly.
In addition to the medal system, the MatchMaking Rating (MMR) in the Dota 2 game can sometimes be a measure to see how good your opponent is. Regardless of the opinion about the importance of MMR or not, a high MMR rank can make you pro teams and your friends glance at you.
This MMR value is measured based on win and lose rate player. In addition to a lot of practice, one way to climb is to choose the right Dota 2 hero (you can check the meta hero statistics here). Dotabuff).
To make it easier for you, Ligagame has prepared a list of the best Dota 2 heroes that are often used by pro players to climb the MMR rank!
Best Dota 2 Hero to Climb MMR Rank
1. Phoenix

This one support type hero has a uniqueness that is different from other support heroes. Other heroes tend to be more useful in the early game, while Phoenix is more useful in the late game. If used with the right strategy, Phoenix can be the best support hero for your other mmr climbs!
Phoenix’s skill, Icarus Dive, makes you fly far away while dealing damage per second to enemies. Coupled with his unique skill, Sun Ray, which has great damage. This skill can last 6 seconds and make the enemy die in an instant!
2. Alchemist

Alchemist is a hero with incredible farming speed. After getting Radiance, this hero can farm as many as items every 5 minutes. This means that Alchemist is able to get 6 slots in the 25th minute, so it’s really hard to beat!
If you can use this hero effectively in the early game, you are guaranteed to have an advantage in the game.
One of Alchemist’s problems is the weak laning level. Therefore, it is better to cooperate with support before choosing an Alchemist.
Also remember, if your opponent is good, of course they will target this hero at every opportunity. Therefore, pay attention to the position of your enemy at all times.
When you are ready to fight the enemy, start by joining the team and slowly push the enemy tower.
3. Wraith King

Wraith King is one of the dota 2 heroes with the highest win rate. This carry type Dota hero has its flagship stun skill; more precisely with the power of his Wraithfire Blast which at the same time deals damage to the enemy.
In addition, one of the uniqueness of WK is “free aegis.” This hero can enter the fight, kill at least one support, then ready to fight again with full HP and mana.
However, be careful. Although this hero is very strong, WK also has a lot of counters. Avoid opponents like Phantom Lancer, as WK has a low chance of winning.
4. Bristleback

One of the dota 2 heroes that is very easy to play, even for beginners. At first glance, Bristleback has a strong back, making it difficult to kill from behind.
What’s even more terrifying than this hero is the combination of two skills between skills Viscous Nasal Goo, which reduces the enemy’s speed and armor, and Warpath, the ultimate Bristleback that makes his speed increase every time he uses his power.
5. Broodmother

Broodmother can be called the most annoying dota 2 hero to fight. Starting from the laning phase to destroying the enemy tower.
Actually, with Broodmother, you just need to farm and use a high net worth to defeat the enemy.
Yes, many players had a hard time using Broodmother. For convenience, you can set a hotkey to “Select all Other Units.” But, to become a good dota 2 player, you must be able to apply different hotkeys for Spiderlings and Spiderates.
6. Meepo

Meepo is one of the strongest dota 2 heroes and has the highest win rate in each bracket. Unfortunately, this hero super difficult to master because it requires perfect units of control and actions per minute (APM). (Essentially, Meepo = 2-3 dota heroes)
Meepo is suitable for use in midlane (or sometimes as a carry hero). To master this hero, it takes a lot of practice. But if you manage to master this hero, it is guaranteed to reach the Immortal Bracket and high MMR without taking long.
7. Lycan

The list of the best dota 2 heroes is incomplete without this one carry hero. Lycan can be said to have a high win rate in Immortal, Divine, and Ancient ranks.
Lycan is quite simple to use, and tends to be strong in lane and pushing. Whenever you are ready to use Shapeshift, just play aggressively (tear down towers, kill enemies, and save Aegis).
8. Visages

Visage is a mainstay midlaner hero to climb the Dota 2 rank. Because of its Gravekeeper’s Cloak, Visage tends to be quite tanky. So, you don’t need to care too much about the location of this hero’s position.
Maybe you are aware, this hero is very weak in lane. However, Visage’s weakness is actually an advantage in low Dota 2 ranks. Why?
If you pay attention, some high-ranked players actually lose in the mid, then win at the end of the game. You can use this strategy to climb the MMR rank!
Well, you just need to go up to level 6 and start farming items like Medallions or Helm of the Dominator. With this item, you can destroy enemy towers and get kills aggressively.
For those of you who want to climb MMR Dota 2, you can try using the list of heroes above. With lots of practice and effective strategies, you can definitely rank up.
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