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Assassin's Creed Odyssey Brings "Battle Royale"

High popularity battle royale make para developer trying to display that game mode, into games which they developed. And Ubisoft is one of them developer that follow this trend, by including those game modes into the games The newest one is Assassin’s Creed Odyssey! It should be noted that in contrast to games such as Fortnite and PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds which are featured in the form of multiplayer, the “battle royale” mode featured in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey is purely playable single player.

The game can be found in a mission located on Melos, an island that can only be accessed at the end of the game (after reaching level 40 or above). There, Alexios or Kassandra can meet an NPC named Drakios who will invite the fighters to undergo the Battle of One Hundred Hands tournament, and by agreeing to it, the player will run the Battle of One Hundred Hands tournament. quest called The Great Conquest. In the tournament, 100 Greek warriors are deployed to the arena, and the task of the player is to defeat them all.

Uniquely, the vast size of the battle arena that resembles folder in battle battle allows players to complete your tasks in a variety of ways. In addition to attacking the enemy head-on, Alexios/Kassandra can immobilize opponents from a distance by using bows and arrows, to apply tactics stealth.

Although initially it was quite easy to finish off the opponents one by one, but as their numbers decreased, the enemy would not hesitate to work together to gang up on our main hero. Gamers those who successfully complete the Battle of One Hundred Hands will get a large amount drachma (currency in-game) as well as experience points. It should be noted that quest this is not part of the main mission, so gamer must be observant in seeing when quest is available.

Assassin’s Creed Odyssey was launched to the market on October 5, 2018 and then on platform PC, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch (Japan region only) and Xbox One. Its success in presenting the story, character development and gameplay which is better than other titles, many sites gaming which gives the Odyssey high marks. [Aseek]

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