Blizzard Reawakens Their Legendary RTS Game In StarCraft: Remastered
Blizzard brings their best RTS game back to life in StarCraft: Remastered. This game will have a widescreen version and 4K resolution as well as some additional features to make this game competitive again.
Even though this game already has a sequel, namely StarCraft 2, it seems that this has not slowed down gamers who played the best RTS games of its time and it can be said until now. In the game StarCraft: Remastered, apart from this game having a widescreen version and a 4K screen resolution, later in this game it will also have StarCraft and StarCraft: Brood War games in it.
In addition, players can also easily change the image and appearance of this game back to the original version with just 1 press, and the same applies vice versa if you want to see this game with the best view.
It’s been almost 20 years or rather 19 years since the first StarCraft game was released and it seems that this game still has loyal fans. That’s why Blizzard made the StarCraft: Remastered game playable together with the original StarCraft game. In addition, there will be additional features such as a new matchmaking system and leaderboards, player profiles, as well as cloud saving for campaign progress, hot keys, and also replays aimed at making it easier for players.
Blizzard sells the game StarCraft: Remastered for $14.99 or around 200 thousand Rupiah. If you buy before August 14 2017, you will get 3 building skins for StarCraft: Remastered namely Char Hive, Korhal Command Center, and Aiur Nexus.
Here’s the trailer for StarCraft: Remastered:
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