Burger King Uses Pro Players To Record Your Order
In-game promotions are common, but what Burger King does in Spain is quite unique. Burger King includes several professional players to play with you, and while playing at the same time asking you what you want to eat and taking orders.
In Madrid, Spain, Burger King teamed up with Sony to come up with a solution for gamers who want to order food but don’t want to stop playing. This solution is “Clan Burger”
Through Burger Clan, gamers on the Playstation Network can play together with Professional Esports players. While playing, the professional player at once asked what you wanted to eat. Whoopers? Use French Fries? or buy a package? and at the same time record your order. The food itself will be delivered by courier.
The Fast Food Burger King company stated that it had hired 9 professional game players for this marketing concept.
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