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Get acquainted with a new sport, eSports!

Jakarta, 2018 – Times are constantly changing, automatically leading people to develop to follow suit. This is evidenced by the very rapid advances in technology, so that it is able to change our habits in living life. Just imagine 5 years ago, who would have thought when playing online games can it become a profession? Yes, now a profession gamer Professionals are officially there for exorbitant fees. It doesn’t just stop there, online games has become a sport, or now often called eSports.

eSports is here as a forum for competitive players, professional players, and even athletes. The increasing interest of the world population and in Indonesia who are eSports players has been proven by the numbers. For example, in 2017, Indonesia had 43.7 million eSports players who spent IDR 11 billion to play games.

This figure makes Indonesia ranked 16th as a country with income from games largest in the world. That’s a fantastic number, considering that this trend hasn’t been around for too long. To bring together eSports players and athletes in Indonesia, the IeSPA organization (Indonesia eSports Association) was formed which is currently still under the auspices of the FORMI organization (Federation of Indonesian Community Sports). The continued development of eSports has made the 2018 Asian Games committee include eSports as part of the exhibition, and at the 2022 Asian Games it will be officially competed as a sport.

Games There are also various competitions, such as League of Legends, Age of Valor, FIFA, CS:GO, Player Unknown’s Battleground, Dota 2, to Mobile Legends. Of course everything requires the ability, expertise, to certain equipment to be able to compete in it. Therefore, now there are also many places to play online games called iCafe.

This iCafe is present in many big cities in Indonesia, but still avoids negative things by implementing strict rules, such as not being allowed to enter in school uniforms, not allowed to play during school hours, pornographic content is not allowed, and so on. This is good for erasing the stigma that has been formed in society, when playing games in internet cafes it tends to lead to negative things, such as the use of pornographic content and forgotten education.

In an analogy, iCafe serves as a place to “practice”, and eSports competitions serve as a place to “work”, because there the ability from the training results is really tested against other players. Local competitions in Indonesia are also very mushrooming, and the results are very good, because many players from Indonesia are able to show off in the international competition arena. Not only did they show off, but they were also able to win several competitions, among others. In fact, some Indonesian players have officially become part of professional teams abroad, and are paid handsomely.

In fact, now Indonesia has become a port for world-class competitions to stop by. One of them is the Ultimo Hombre competition from England, which is hosting the latest eSports competition, and will start the competition here. Carrying the vision of “everyone can play, anyone can win”, they intend to encompass all levels of society to feel the pleasure of playing games in the same container. Ultimo Hombre will be present in Indonesia in August 2018.

So, I have started thinking about going into the world games what’s more promising?

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