Sausage Man Review, Capital Hype or Really Good?
Only one week after the game was released, many may not have thought that Sausage Man is one of the most popular new mobile games today. With the increasing popularity of this game to the point of creating an active community in Indonesia, you finally decided to try Sausage Man directly to see if this game is just hype or is it really good in the eyes of many people?
So far, we’ve only played five full match sessions, but the impression we get is enough to put it into a review. For that, instead of lingering, just take a look at our review summary below!
Played Gameplay
We are sure that many mobile gamers have played or at least touched the Battle Royale game. Be it PUBG Mobile or Free Fire, some of you must be familiar with the gameplay scheme that is being carried, right? Likewise with Sausage Man, because this game also applies a very similar concept. From the initial menu display, choosing a game mode, entering the matchmaking venue, to diving into a big island with other players, everything is packaged in a format that will instantly get you used to it without having to see a tutorial.
There are some modifications that can be found, for example, an indicator system which is marked with three different colors, namely white (to detect character movement), blue (to detect vehicle sounds), and yellow (to detect the source of gun fire). Even though it’s simple, we really like the approach of this more straightforward indicator system so you don’t have to constantly look at the compass indicator and symbols that you usually have to pay close attention to to find the source of the sound.
Like most other Battle Royale games, your job is to be the last one to survive with your comrades too if you play as a team. The gameplay control scheme is quite responsive and easy to control, especially from how your character can perform actions such as Double Jump which makes the momentum of movement more agile. When in a high place you can also use a propeller engine to jump in to reduce the risk of Fall Damage, but at the risk of the enemy being able to detect your presence because the engine can make a sound.
We didn’t have many problems with the gameplay scheme offered, but the biggest complaint lies in the level of challenge or difficulty. This is because from the five matches played we always got the top position and never lost less than 50% of our lives. Not wanting to show off skills, but in fact Sausage Man is indeed too easy like most Battle Royale games on mobile which in the early stages are filled with casual players and even bots. Not to mention the amount of supply that you can find on the map as if you can’t run out because there are too many. For example, in one building you can find five to ten scattered bullets and weapons that can be taken. So when playing this game there is no such thing as not having a good weapon or lack of bullets.
What Makes It Different From Other Battle Royales on Mobile?
Ok apart from some minor modifications and changes, what makes Sausage Man so different from other Battle Royale games? The first thing that is clear is the style, because this is a game that exudes a more casual element through its typical cartoon design and characters in the form of sausages. However, the basic gameplay it offers remains similar to most other Battle Royale games currently available on mobile, so don’t be surprised if in the future Sausage Man can be brought into the realm of esports competition as well.
Back to the gameplay, another difference that we can appreciate is the Legend Card system that allows you to use special skills. As far as we know in the game there are two Legend Cards namely Sweetheart and Shadow Warrior. Sweetheart is a support skill that can be used to heal and revive teammates, while Shadow Warrior is more offensive where you can issue multiple clones to attack enemies.
Like the selling point that the game also likes to tout, in Sausage Man you can indeed perform various funny and crazy actions to make the game more exciting. Whether it’s turning a character into an exploding cannon projectile, ambushing enemies from behind with a wormhole grenade, to using an exosuit that can be turned into a jet-powered vehicle, this game can’t be separated from creativity that makes the gameplay experience addictive. We even managed to win a match while riding a beach ball like a circus clown.
What about Microtransactions?
This is the part that we feel must be included in a mobile game review. So the microtransactions in Sausage Man from what we’ve seen give you access to costumes to special emotes. The main currency that can be used to open Supply Boxes and other exclusive offers is Candy. At the beginning of the game you can get it for free, but the main source to get it is by top-up. So for example if you want to open a new offer like the Colorful Supply Box for example, you need 540 Candy which if you want to get it with a top-up then you need to buy a 680 Candy bundle for 159 thousand. In addition to Candy, there are also other currency options that can be used such as Catrdige and Coupun which as far as we know one of them can be obtained by completing missions or continuing the progress of the game.
As usual, there is also an offer in the form of a Season Pass where you can claim some small prizes for free. But for some locked exclusives, you will need to activate a paid subscription for 300 Candy for Gold Season Pass and 1200 Candy for Premium Edition. Overall, the monetization scheme applied by this game also seems standard and no different from most other Battle Royale games. But because the game is still newly released, there are some concessions given to new players, such as big discounts on almost every in-game Shop offer and Season Pass services available for example.
If you have to answer the question of whether Sausage Man deserves appreciation as a solid Battle Royale game? Then the answer you can give is yes… maybe. Ok, even though in terms of gameplay, there aren’t many problems and it’s even more fun in some parts, especially how you can use skills to hilarious and crazy actions, but this game hasn’t provided the extra challenge we expected. Enemies that are too easy to have so many supply items allow you to play barbarian without problems, so implementing strategy doesn’t need to be something to be confused about. I don’t know if it’s just our feelings or not, but the weapon balancing in this game feels less than perfect, like how shotgun shots from a medium range always manage to kill the enemy in one shot. Or how the enemy’s continuous attacks didn’t make us lose a lot of HP.
Of course, because the game is still being released, there are definitely some shortcomings that can be felt, especially from the technical side. For this reason, we hope that the developers can provide consistent support, both through improvements and new content updates. This game got the potential, don’t waste it…
If you’re curious about the game, Sausage Man is now available for free via the Google Play Store, App Store, and TapTap. New players can claim a 14-day login reward which includes weapon skins, costumes, and Supply Boxes. For now the game is only available in Singapore, Malaysia, and Indonesia, but there are plans to bring it to more other SEA countries in the near future.
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Sausage Man
Publisher: XD Entertainment Pte Ltd
Developer: So Funny Games
Release Date: 2021-06-29
Mobile Games, Android, iOS
Featuring battles between 100 players, a vast battle arena, and a cool customization system, Sausage Man is a battle royale game with hilarious elements that promises to give the genre a new feel. In addition to relying on gunplay with animated shots to realistic weapon models, the battle royale gameplay offered by Sausage Man allows you to perform crazy and creative actions in dominating the course of battle.
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