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We Tried Other Games Similar to Genshin Impact, Is It Good?

Seeing how Mihoyo managed to reach the pinnacle of great success through the release of Genshin Impact, many developers must have taken an interest in making games with a similar concept. Of course, Genshin Impact is a game that clearly takes inspiration from The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, but there are many other elements and factors that make it so different that it has a strong identity of its own. But what happens if there is a game that takes inspiration from games that have also taken inspiration from other games? Or is it to the point a game similar to Genshin Impact?

We happened to have tried several games which, judging from the concept, did look similar, whether it was intentional or not. Therefore, in this article, we want to give a little impression after playing these games, so instead of being curious, just take a look at the summary below!

Legend of Neverland

We are sure most of the mobile gamers must be familiar with this one game. Since it was first announced, Legend of Neverland has shown some clear similarities to Genshin Impact. Some of them can be seen from the world design, UI, characters, to some promotional artwork which is quite identical to Genshin Impact. Despite some similarities that have made the developer criticized, they continue to have ambitions to encourage the promotion of the game to involve well-known content creators whose ads you may have seen on YouTube.

Ok, leaving aside the fact that Legend of Neverland does take clear inspiration from Genshin Impact, does the game itself have solid quality? The answer is… maybe. We cannot give a definite answer because the playing experience it offers does not provide an experience that seems memorable or special. You can indeed explore the wide world while changing character jobs, but this is a concept that we have experienced in several similar mobile MMORPG games as well. It’s so unimpressive, we don’t even really remember the story it offers even though we’ve only played this game a few days ago.

Some of the moments that ended up attracting our attention were in fact some similarities to Genshin Impact, small examples such as the appearance of the gacha result menu which is clearly made similar to the element icons as well. Despite our criticisms, Legend of Neverland is not a bad game, because the concept it offers as an anime-style MMORPG does exist and can be enjoyed without many technical problems. If you want to ignore the resemblance to Genshin Impact, this could be a game that might steal your attention to become an active player.

Manasis Refrain

Different from Legend of Neverland, Manasis Refrain is an action RPG-based mobile game that for some people happens to be similar to Genshin Impact (at least in terms of graphics or aesthetics). Developed by an indie developer from China, this game offers action gameplay where you can form a party of three characters to create the best combo synergy. There’s nothing that makes it so special or unique, but we can’t deny that the quality of the graphics, the world setting, and the gameplay controls it offers are pretty solid.

Although we call it a coincidence that it looks like Genshin Impact, basically this game seems to take more inspiration from the Atelier, Tales, and Mana series as well. The development of the game even involves Daisuke Ichiwa who acts as a music maker, and coincidentally he is also known as the composer behind the Atelier series. You could say this game is a fusion of several popular niche JRPG games targeted at casual players.

We’ve had time to play it and are satisfied, but unfortunately the status of this game is in an unclear position. The reason is because the official social media accounts and website no longer exist, so some fans are worried that this game project has been canceled. But we think this might be due to a change in the collaboration between the Inutan developer and the Webzen publisher, so there could be a change in the publisher team that handles the game. Whatever is being prepared, for the time being we can only patiently wait.

Honorable Mention: Tower of Fantasy

Meanwhile, unfortunately, we didn’t have time to play this last game due to the limited availability of Beta access. We also won’t be surprised if many of you are still not familiar with this one game, but the point is Tower of Fantasy is an open world RPG game that is more suitable to be called Genshin Impact with a futuristic theme. From the gameplay videos we’ve watched, we must admit that apart from these similarities, Tower of Fantasy has its own charm. This is mainly in the delivery of the story with a heavier theme and the gameplay control scheme with a combo system that looks flashy.

This game really looks like it has great potential and we think it could become Genshin Impact’s new rival when it’s released, although it’s hard to imagine that its position can be just chased.

Taking inspiration from popular games always carries a high risk. Either ended up getting criticized and quickly forgotten, or even achieved great success because it managed to bring fresh air to the sub-genre that was carried. In the case of Genshin Impact, the game looks like BOTW at first glance, but there are so many other attractions that make it special. But for some games that deliberately take a lot of inspiration from it, then our hope is that developers can bring different elements that make the game cannot be simply equated. At least for Legend of Neverland the game has received quite a positive reception since its official release, so we also have a good feeling for Manasis Refrain and Tower of Fantasy.

So what do you think of our short impressions summary? Have you also tried some of the games above? Don’t hesitate to give your opinion in the comments column below!

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