Based on the LoL franchise, Legends of Runeterra launches on May 1st for PC & Mobile!
Latest games by Riot Games, Legends of Runeterra, will exit on May 1, 2021 for PC and mobile and is a strategy card game where skill, creativity and cleverness determine your success. So what makes Runeterra stand out? First of all, this is taking place in the world League of Legends.
The game will launch with 120+ new cards, including region new. For now, this new card can be played from today (April 29, 2021) in PC. On the launch date, Legends of Runeterra will show 7 region , 35 champions, and more than 400 cards. Every champion have their own unique mechanics. Even though these characters are the main strength of your deck, you need to support them with a balanced army if you want to win. The support card you choose must complete champion your choice.
All of the game’s characters come from one of the main regions. It consists of Demacia, Noxus, Freljord, Piltover & Zaun, Ionian, and Shadow Isles. In addition, each region has its own style of play and strategic advantages, so mixing cards from multiple regions in one deck can give you an edge.
As an exclusive launch, players who log into Legends of Runeterra before 3PM (GMT +8) on May 8, 2021 will accept Moonstruck Poro Guardian to accompany them on their journey. New players will also receive XP Boost to speed up their progress in the game.
Those who like strategy card games can download it Legends of Runeterra now on their official page. New players are encouraged to create Riot Games accounts to allow cross-platform play, and gain access to other in-game features such as billing support and more. The link is provided below. For all information about Riot Games, please click here.
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