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Build Item Gear Lancelot Mobile Legends The Most Painful + Savage + The Strongest 2019

Want to know the build item gear for Hero Lancelot in Mobile Legends, the Strongest Auto Savage Top Global Oura, Rooster? This time there is a Hero Assassin, Lancelot, which is arguably The Best Assassin or the number 1 greatest Assassin in this Mobile Legends game.

There is no need to ask again from the beginning until now it is still a subscription to be banned during Ranked Mode. Even though this Lancelot has been nerfed or decreased in ability, still in Ranked Mode it is always blacklisted or banned.

It’s very scary if Lancelot is in Ranked Mode, even Ulti Cyclops, Johnson, or Hero skills that release attacks are able to avoid Lancelot. He is also fairly agile while dealing high damage to enemies.

It was because of this that all players didn’t want to deal with Lancelot. Even Lancelot is able to be in the mid line or solo line, and even a Tanker can be defeated by Lancelot quickly.

For this discussion, here will provide some information about the Lancelot build to have high damage attacks to enemies. Then there will be a discussion about the skills, Emblems, Spell/Ability.

And how to use this Hero which can be said to be easy – it’s easy to use this Lancelot. It takes continuous practice with the right timing so you can use Lancelot agilely.

this is the Lancelot Mobile Legends Gear Build Item The Most Painful, Savage, Strongest.

Build Item Gear Lancelot Burst Full Damage Hurt GG

Lancelot is an Assassin-type Hero who utilizes the agility of his skills and the damage that Lancelot produces. Then you can follow the recommendations for the Worst and Strongest Lancelot gear build item below:

1. Gear ‘Rapid Boot’s’

Build Gear Lancelot Mobile Legends 1

The first and must be purchased by Hero ML Mage is Boot’s. By giving +50 Movement Speed ​​to the user or Hero.

Boot’s are very useful at the beginning of the Lancelot game so you can be fast for jungle and agile to attack opponents or just cover turrents.

2. Gear ‘Bloodlust Ax’

Build Gear Lancelot Mobile Legends 2

Second, buy Bloodlust Ax which will give +70 Physical Attack, +10% Cooldown Reduction with its uniqueness adding +20% Spell Vamp. Boot’s.

Thus dealing damage to enemies quickly because Lancelot’s Attack Speed ​​is also increasing.

3. Gear ‘Endless Battle’

Build Gear Lancelot Mobile Legends 3

Third, is the Endless Battle item. This item adds +65 Physical Attack, +25 Mana Regen, +250 HP, +10% Cooldown Reduction, 5% Movement Speed, +15% Lifesteal.

And the uniqueness of this item is that after using the skill, the next Basic Attack will give an additional 85% of Physical Attack as true Damage.

This effect has a cooldown time of 1.5 seconds, then after the divine effect activates the hero’s speed increases by 15%.

4. Gear ‘Rose Gold Meteor’

Build Gear Lancelot Mobile Legends 4

Fourth, by buying the Rose Gold Meteor item, which can be said this is a new item in the Hero item shop. With this item will add +60 Physical Attack, +30 Magic RES, +5% Lifesteal.

And Can be a shield that can absorb 510 – 1350 Damage (Increases with level when HP is below (+0%) and the effect has a second Cooldown of 30.

5. Gear ‘Immortality’

Build Gear Lancelot Mobile Legends 5

Fifth, buy Immortality which will give +800 HP, +40 Magic Res. With the passive Resurrect after Death with a pause of 2 seconds after death and gain HP and Shield it can absorb 300 – 1000 Points from attacks.

Shield lasts up to 3 seconds and Immortality will cooldown for 180 seconds.

6. Gear ‘Blade of Despair’

Build Gear Lancelot Mobile Legends 6

This last item will be the cover for Lancelot’s full build which will add +170% Physical Attack, 10% Attack Speed. With his passive inflicts an additional 10% of enemy damage on each abnormal attack.

The Uses & Skills of the Deadly Hero Lancelot Mobile Legends

Lancelot is arguably one of the heroes who is quite flexible, because most of his skills and ultimate are a kind of teleport move using a sword which is quite terrible.

Lancelot’s Passive Skill: Soul Cutter

Lancelot Soul Cutter Passive Skill

For every 10 seconds, Lancelot will issue a ‘Surgical Promise’ fencing move, the next Basic Attack will cause a Defenseless effect to the target, Lancelot will deal an additional 20% Damage to the opponent with a Defenseless effect.

Lancelot’s 1st Skill: Puncture

Skill 1 Lancelot Puncture

  • Cooldown: 11.0 seconds
  • Where Costs:

Lancelot charges towards the specified direction to deal 100/130/160/190/220/250 Physical Damage, the target will be given a Sword Mark. If the hit target does not have a Sword Mark, the Cooldown Puncture will be refreshed.

Lancelot’s 2nd Skill: Thorned Rose

Skill 2 Lancelot Thorned Rose

  • Cooldown: 7.0 seconds
  • Where Costs:

Lancelot performs an extraordinary sword technique in an area that can strike enemies up to 3 times, dealing 250/290/330/370/410/450

Physical Damage (Damage will decrease for each additional target) and slows enemies by 3% for 2 seconds on each hit. This Slow effect can be Stacked. (This skill only gets 40% of Spell Vamp).

Lancelot Ultimate Skill: Phantom Execution

Ultimate Skill Lancelot Phantom Execution

  • Cooldown: 40.0 sec
  • Foreign Cost:

After a brief charge, Lancelot performs Executioner’s Strike forward, Lancelot will be Invincible during the process, dealing 400/600/800 Physical Damage to his enemies.

Use of Emblems on the Strongest Lancelot Mobile Legends Hero

Lancelot is this Assassin-type Hero, so first set the Emblem using a Physical Emblem. If your Physical Emblem level has reached level 30, it is recommended to use the talent sequence below, Give the points you have to the attributes:

Build Emblem Lancelot Mobile Legends 1

  • 3 Points = Vitality
  • 3 Points = Bravery
  • And passive Emblem use Life Drain (if Emblem level reaches level 20), Open Fire (if Emblem level reaches level 30).

Special emblems or for Hero Lancelot can use using Assassins Emblems. If your Assassin’s Emblem level has reached level 40, it is recommended to use the talent sequence below, Give the points you have to the attributes:

Build Emblem Lancelot Mobile Legends 2

  • 3 Points = Bravery
  • 3 Points = Fatal
  • And passive Emblem use Unbending Will (If Emblem level reaches level 20), Steady Like A Rock (if Emblem level reaches level 30), and Disabling Strike (if Emblem level reaches level 40).

Spell or Ability That Matches Hero Lancelot Mobile Legends

As explained above, it looks like this hero doesn’t need a spell like flicker, so what spell is suitable for Lancelot’s hero.

1. Retribution

Retribution Mobile Legends

This spell or ability is Retribution. If you want to use this Spell not recommended if your team has more than 1 Spell Retribution user.

This spell or ability will give 600-1440 to forest monsters or to minions and to be reused you have to wait for Cooldown for 30 seconds.

Raptor Machete Mobile Legends

In addition if you want to use Retribution, the first item you buy is Raptor Machete. This item adds +30 Physical Attack, +15% Physical PEN.

Of course you can retribution your opponent or enemy Hero whose effect will reduce the Movement Speed ​​of the target or opponent by 70% for 3 seconds.

Tips for Using Lancelot Mobile Legends Hero The Painful, Strongest, Savage

How to Use Hero Lancelot Mobile Legends

For the strategy of using Hero Assassins, there are several things you should pay attention to. Here are some tips that you can learn to use Hero Lancelot.

1. Use Lancelot’s Hero Skill Combination

How to Use Hero Lancelot Mobile Legends 1

  • First use skill 2 Lancelot and aim.
  • Both attacks with Basic Attack, even better if Lancelot’s passive is active which will make Lancelot have additional damage.
  • Third Ulti towards the enemy.
  • And finally use skill 1 by aiming at the enemy. And if hit by skill 1 it will refresh so you can use skill 1 once again.

2. Farming is mandatory for Lancelot

How to Use Hero Lancelot Mobile Legends 2

Don’t forget Lancelot is a Hero Assassin so it’s not valid if you don’t farm or take buffs even if you don’t use Spell Retribution, you must be obliged to farm.

Because you must be at least level with the enemy or better if your level is above the enemy. So that you who are above the enemy can definitely be opposite you will win.

3. Lancelot Is Able to Avoid Hero Skill Attacks

How to Use Hero Lancelot Mobile Legends 3

Skill 2 from Lancelot is great, on the other hand it deals great damage. This skill 2 can avoid hero skill attacks such as Ulti Johnson, Hook Franco, Ulti Cyclop which can lock Hero too and many more Lancelot can avoid.

All attacks that lead to Lancelot can be avoided with his 2nd skill.

4. Use Skill 1 To Escape

How to Use Hero Lancelot Mobile Legends 4

Lancelot is known to be agile, because skill 1 can be used up to 2-3 times. That way if Lancelot’s HP is limited, you don’t have to worry about running away. Just use skill 1 to escape from the enemy by:

  • Break through the wall.
  • Run away then use skill 1 and aim at the enemy so skill 1 can refresh the cooldown then use skill 1 again to get away.

Some Hero Weaknesses of Lancelot Hero Mobile Legends

To catch and kill a hero like Lancelot, it takes a hero who has speed in attacking and is quiet in performing shock effects, so what hero should Lancelot avoid.

1. Hero Natalia

Hero Natalia Mobile Legends

Natial is famous for hunting Assassins because Natalia can also counter Lancelot. And Lancelot must be wary of this one girl Assassin. Due to his passive which could disappear without a trace, it was difficult for Lancelot to keep his distance from him.

And if exposed to the trap then Lancelot will be hit by silent or unable to use his skills. Moreover, Lancelot is an Assassin where there is no armor so it is very soft if Lancelot has been alienated by Natalia.

How to Deal with Natalia

If there is Natalia on the enemy team then you have to be extra careful. You have to run if there is an exclamation mark above the Hero’s head which means Natalia is near you.

And without further ado, you have to run away to avoid Natalia from being silenced. Or you approach one of the closest people on your team to stop Natalia together.

And when Natalia runs away you have to catch up quickly before she returns to the bushes to disappear. Because Natalia is a Lancelot counter, therefore you must lock Natalia so she doesn’t run away.


For those of you Lancelot users, you must be very happy to use combo skill 1, 2 and ulti, because when everything is full, it’s quite good to use Lancelot’s hero even though you may not be Top Global and a Pro Player.

Lancelot’s hero attacks can be very and quite deadly for opponents, even the admin believes that there are quite a lot of users of this hero, maybe you are also one of the fans and want to make Lancelot auto MVP.

Even so, Lancelot’s strong build gear still has to be balanced with the abilities of the player… greetings auto savage.

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