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Build Item Gear Nana Mobile Legends is the Most Painful + Savage + The Strongest 2019

Want to know the build item gear for Hero Nana in Mobile Legends, the Strongest, Auto Savage Top Global Lemon? This time the hero is named Nana, she is a very young Cat Elf and Mage type.

Even though Nana is a Mage, Nana relies on her big boomerang as a weapon too. Nana has experienced a rework once and the difference from before is her appearance which has smooth 3d graphics as well as skill 2 and Nana’s Ulti.

This Nana can be said to be a Marksman because her Basic Attack is very fast unlike other Mage. In the background Nana is told that Ana was born deep in the Magic Forest, and as a rare Cat Elf.

He is naturally blessed with powerful magic abilities but is difficult to control. One day Miya the Moon Elf who was on a trip caught Nana and taught this young Cat Elf the secret of controlling her magical abilities.

The clever Nana quickly mastered these techniques, making her a powerful Cat Elf mage.

Then a discussion about the skills, Emblems, Spell/Ability, and how to use this Nana Hero. this is the most hurt, savage, strongest Nana Mobile Legends Gear Build.

Build Item Gear Nana Burst Damage And Semi Marksman Hurt

Nana is an ML Mage Hero whose attack type is long range, also this Nana is the only Hero Mage who has a fast Basic Attack.

So that it can be combined with Marksman items so that it can deal damage to enemies that are high and fast. Then you can follow the recommendations for building Nana’s Sickest and Strongest gear item below:

1. Gear ‘Magic Shoes’

Build Gear Nana Mobile Legends 1

First, buy Magic Shoes which really help Nana to shorten the cooldown time of her skills, and add +40 Movement Speed.

2. Gear ‘Scarlet Phantom’

Build Gear Nana Mobile Legends 2

Second, buy a Scarlet Phantom. Buying this item will add +30 Physical Attack, 40% Attack Speed, and + 10% Crit. Strike Chance. With his passive gives 25% Attack Speed ​​and Crit. Strike Rate 5% to Hero for 3 seconds.

Coupled with buying the previous item, Swift Boot’s, and if Roger uses his second skill, the results will be very fast to kill the enemy and give a lot of damage quickly.

3. Gear ‘Lighting Truncheon’

Build Gear Nana Mobile Legends 3

Third, buy a Lighting Truncheon which will add +75 Magic Power, +30 Mana Regen. With his passive every 6 seconds, Magical ability will increase a maximum of 3 injured enemies by 150% Magic Power Damage.

4. Gear ‘Windtalker’

Build Gear Nana Mobile Legends 4

Fourth, is the Windtalker item, this item will add +25% Attack Speed, +20 Movement Speed, +20% Crit. Chance and passive is that after doing the next 4 Basic Attacks will deal 100 Magic Damage to 3 enemies.

This damage will also increase Attack Speed ​​​​and every Typhoon is activated it will give 5% Movement Speed ​​temporarily by 30%. Also increases Physical and Magic Damage by 20% for 3 seconds.

This effect has 40% Coodwon, and after updating this item can be activated manually, and the effect of making invulnerability is very beneficial.

5. Gear ‘Wild Of Nature’

Build Gear Nana Mobile Legends 5

Fifth, the Wild Of Nature item will give +10 Physical Attack, 25% Attack Speed, 15% Lifesteal.

And passive or when activating Immune against all Physical Damage for 2 seconds with a cooldown of 80 seconds (for Marksman) and less than 80 (other than Marksman).

And after updating this item can be activated manually, and the effect of making invulnerability is very beneficial.

6. Gear ‘Blood Wings’

Build Gear Nana Mobile Legends 6

This last item is an item that has become mandatory for Mages to buy during the late game, because this item will provide the greatest Magic Power Damage of all Magic items.

This item will add +150 Magic Power, +150 HP. By passively adding 2 HP for 1 Magic Power used.

The Uses & Skills of the Deadly Hero Nana in Mobile Legends

Mimin really likes Nana’s skills and ulti, in Brawl mode this hero becomes a frightening specter for the enemy, then what are Nana’s skills.

Nana’s Passive Skill: Master Cat’s Gift

Nana Master Cat's GIFt Passive Skill

Mister Cat every 10 seconds will give 10 Coins to Nana and teammates.

Skill 1 Nana: Magic Dart

Skill 1 Nana Magic Dart

  • Cooldown: 9.0 seconds
  • Mana Cost: 70

Fires a Magical Dart at the target, enemies hit by Darts will receive 180/220/260/300/340/380 Magical Damage, enemies hit by an attack will also be slowed down.

Skill 2 Nana: Morph Spell

Skill 2 Nana Morph Spell

  • Cooldown: 11.0 seconds
  • Mana Cost: 60

Turns enemy heroes into Cat Spirits, dealing 180/210/240/270/300/330 Magical Damage and slowing their Movement Speed ​​for 3 seconds. The team that attacks the Cat Spirit will gain 50/60/70/80/90/100 HP.

Nana’s Ultimate Skill: Dragon Cat Summons

Ultimate Skill Nana Dragon Cat Summons

  • Cooldown: 50.0 sec
  • Mana Cost: 120

Summons Dragon Cat to attack the designated Area, dealing 400/560/720 pts of Magic Damage to enemies within the Area and hurling them into the Air for 1 second.

Use of Emblems on the Strongest Hero Nana in Mobile Legends

Nana is a Mage-type Hero so set her Emblem to use a Magical Emblem. If your Magical Emblem level has reached level 30, it is recommended to use the talent order below, give the points you have to the attributes:

Build Emblem Nana Mobile Legends 1

  • 3 Points = Vitality
  • 3 Points = Flow
  • And passive Emblem use Energy Absorption (if Emblem level reaches level 20),Magic Power Surge (if Emblem level reaches level 30).

Another emblem that is specific to Hero Mage is to use the Mage Emblem. If your Emblem Mage level has reached level 40, it is recommended to use the talent order below, give the points you have to the attributes:

Build Emblem Nana Mobile Legends 2

  • 3 Points = Flow
  • 3 Points = Catastrophe
  • And passive Emblem use Golden Touch (If Emblem level reaches level 20), Magic Worship (if Emblem level reaches level 30), and Impure Rage (if Emblem level reaches level 40).

Another special emblem is to use the Marskman Emblem. If your Marskman Emblem level has reached level 40, it is recommended to use the talent sequence below, give the points you have to the attributes:

Build Emblem Nana Mobile Legends 3

  1. 3 Points = Bravery
  2. 3 Points = Swift
  3. And passive Emblem use Weapon Master (If Emblem level reaches level 20), Hot Pursuit (if Emblem level reaches level 30), and Weakness Finder (if Emblem level reaches level 40).

Spell or Ability That Matches Hero Nana in Mobile Legends

There are several spell recommendations for Nana’s hero to get the maximum when attacking enemies.

1. Inspire

Inspire Mobile Legends

The first recommended spell or ability for Nana is Inspire. This spell or ability function will increase 8 Basic Attacks and increase your Hero’s Attack Speed ​​by 55% for 5 seconds.

2. Flicker

Flicker Mobile Legends

The second recommended spell or ability for Nana is Flicker. This spell or ability function will teleport straight ahead so that it will avoid being chased by the enemy if your skills are still all cooldown.

Tips Flicker across the stone wall, so the enemy will rotate first if chasing you.

Tips for Using Hero Nana in Mobile Legends is the Sickest, Strongest, Savage

How to Use Hero Nana in Mobile Legends

For the strategy of using Hero Mage Nana, there are several things that you should pay attention to. Here are some tips that you can learn to use Hero Nana to easily kill enemies and support the team.

1. Nana Try to Partner

How to Use Hero Nana in Mobile Legends 1

Nana is a Mage-type Hero and can be a very reliable support, because Nana’s skills are crowd control or can give a stun effect which plays a very important role in killing enemies or capturing enemies.

Moreover, Nana together with Fighter or with Marskman makes it very easy to fight the enemy.

2. Use Nana’s Hero Skill Combination

To use this Nana Hero, you have to learn combos must this:

How to Use Hero Nana in Mobile Legends 2

  • First use Skill 2 first in order to stun the enemy.
  • Second, immediately use Nana’s Ultimate Skill to aim at the enemy target.
  • Then use Skill 1 and continue to attack with Basic Attack on the enemy. Can be combined with the Inspire spell if you use it.

3. Always Keep Your Distance

Even though Nana is semi-solo or can be alone in one line, she still has to keep her distance from the enemy target, stay focused on attacking from a distance and use skills with the right timing.

And help support your partner or team behind the line to stay covered from enemy attacks.

And look at the map and surroundings for those of you who want to stay away from your partner in one line, this prevents the enemy from attacking you suddenly.

Some of the Weaknesses of Hero Nana in Mobile Legends

Pay attention to the hero below and immediately avoid it if you meet the hero below, so you don’t get killed quickly.

1. Hero Natalia

Nana must be really wary of this girl Assassin. Due to his passive which could disappear without a trace, it was difficult for Nana to keep her distance from him.

And if exposed to the trap then Nana will be hit by silent or unable to use her skills. Silence from Natalia will leave you with no time to do anything to escape.

How to Deal with Natalia

If there is Natalia on the enemy team then you have to be extra careful. You have to run if there is an exclamation mark above the Hero’s head which means Natalia is near you. And without further ado, you have to run away to avoid Natalia from being silenced.

Or you approach one of the closest people on your team to stop Natalia together. And there is one more way is when the exclamation mark is visible and there are no teammates around you.

Then use skill 2 you prepare around you, so that when Natalia attacks it will directly hit Natalita or at least Natalia has to think twice about attacking you.


Now, my friend already knows that Nana’s build gear is the most beautiful, it’s really good, there are two versions of Nana’s gear, namely, full Marksman or Mage. It all depends on taste because what is seen is the end result of the hero’s strength, strong or not.

Because a careless build gear will only make Nana’s hero less than optimal in killing enemies, for that a cool build gear is also important, but individual experience and skills are also quite important so that Nana can auto MVP.

It’s not very difficult to become an MVP when using Nana because combo skills and the use of strong build gear will also be important keys… greetings auto savage.

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