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Build Items Gear Estes Mobile Legends Pain + Savage + Strongest 2019

Want to know which item build Hero Estes Mobile Legends gear hurts, the strongest Auto Savage Top Global MM Tank? Estes is a Moon Elf who lives in the legendary Emerald Woodland.

And Estes herself is an Elf King and a Support-type Hero. In the past, players would definitely pick Hero estes, this can be said to be a mandatory Hero in Ranked.

But with new heroes emerging, estes users are being left behind and even this hero is threatened with extinction from Mobile Legends player users.

Because there are already new heroes that you can rely on and are more efficient, for example, other types of support heroes, namely Angela or Diggie.

But even though the estes player is starting to be abandoned, estes can help the team win if you set it to a combination of heroes on your team.

For this discussion, here will provide some information about the Estes build that provides maximum support to the team. Then the discussion about the skills, this is the Build Item Gear Estes Mobile Legends The Painful, Savage, Strongest.

Build Item Gear Estes Full Support Helper, MM Semi Tank Hurt?

Estes is a long-range attack type Hero and must be covered during the war at the beginning of the game because Estes is the way to play it by entering the late game in order to maximize its strength.

If you want to make this Marksman-type Estes have high Damage and Lifesteal power, then you can follow the recommendations for the Worst and Strongest Estes gear build item below:

1. Gear ‘Magic Shoes’

Build Gear Estes Mobile Legends 1

First, buy Magic Shoes which really help Estes to shorten the cooldown time of her skills, and add +40 Movement Speed.

2. Gear ‘Echanted Talisman’

Build Gear Estes Mobile Legends 2

Second, by buying an Echanted Talisman which will give +50 Magic Power, +250 HP, +20% Cooldown Reduction. And with his passive Regen Mana 10% of the total Max Mana every 10 seconds.

3. Gear ‘Oracle’

Build Gear Estes Mobile Legends 3

Third, buying an Oracle item with this item will add +850 HP, +36 Magic RES, +35 HP Regen, +10% Cooldown Reduction. And his passive within 3 seconds is attacked. Hero will regenerate 8% HP, this effect has 8 seconds cooldown.

4. Gear ‘Immortality’

Build Gear Estes Mobile Legends 4

Fourth, buy Immortality which will give +800 HP, +40 Magic Res. With the passive Resurrect after Death with a pause of 2 seconds after death and gain HP and Shield it can absorb 300 – 1000 Points from attacks.

Shield lasts up to 3 seconds and Immortality will cooldown for 180 seconds.

5. Gear ‘Winter Truncheon’

Build Gear Estes Mobile Legends 5

Fifth, by buying the Winter Truncheon item, which can add +60 Magic Power, +50 Armor.

With Frozen passive, when the Hero’s HP drops below 30%, being hit by Basic Attack will decrease the opponent’s movement speed by 80% and deal 50% of magic power as magic damage to the target. This effect has a cooldown of 5 seconds.

6. Gear ‘Courage Bulwark’

Build Gear Estes Mobile Legends 6

This last item will be the cover for Estes’ full build which will add +770 HP attack, +45 HP Regen. With his passive increase 10% attack power and defense for friends around. Minions around will deal more damage to the turret.

The Uses & Skills of the Deadly Hero Estes Mobile Legends

Estes if played correctly it will rarely die, unless it is hit by the enemy, it can be a different story, so first understand the skill of this Estes healer.

Estes Passive Skill : The Code of Moon Elves

Estes Mobile Legends Passive Skill The Code of Moon Elves

Code of Moon Elves will Charge energy to Estes slowly. When reaching the maximum stack layer (number 100 ) will increase the next Basic Attack, dealing 450 pts of Magic Damage to the target while slowing down.

Damage will bounce and deal 225 pts of Magic Damage to nearby enemies.

Skill 1 Estes : Ninjutsu – Petal Barrage

Skill 1 Estes Mobile Legends Ninjutsu Petal Barrage

  • Cooldown: 11.0 seconds
  • Mana Cost: 110

Recovers 260 (+30% Magic Power) points of HP for the target directly and connects Estes to her for 3 seconds which will slowly recover 325 (+37.5% Magic Power) points of HP for the target.

Connecting with allies will also increase the Charging Energy speed of Code of Moon Elves. Going too far from the target will destroy Link.

Skill 2 Estes : Domain of Moon Goddess

Skill 2 Estes Mobile Legends Domain of Moon Goddess

  • Cooldown: 12.0 seconds
  • Mana Cost: 80

Flood of Moonlight falls on a specific area, dealing 350 (+70% Magic Power) points of Magic Damage to enemy units. After that, it turned into the field of the Moon Goddess. Opponents will be slowed when they touch the shield of the terrain area.

Estes Ultimate Skill: Blessing of Moon Goddess

Ultimate Skill Estes Mobile Legends Blessing of Moon Goddess

  • Cooldown: 55.0 seconds
  • Mana Cost: 150

Transforms into Saint King of Moonlight for 8 seconds, increasing Moonlight Immersion. After casting the Blessing of Moon Goddess, Estes will release a weak Moonlight Immersion to surround allied heroes.

In the duration of Blessing of Moon Goddess, Estes restores 1260 (+135% Magic Power) HP periodically.

Use of Emblems on the Strongest Mobile Legends Hero Estes

Estes is a Support type Hero, so set her Emblem to use a Magical Emblem. If your Magical Emblem level has reached level 30, it is recommended to use the talent sequence below:

Build Emblem Estes Mobile Legends 1

  1. Energy
  2. Vitality
  3. Awaken
  4. Flow
  5. Desire
  6. Observation
  7. And passive Emblem use Energy Absorption (if Emblem level reaches level 20),Magic Power Surge (if Emblem level reaches level 30).

Another emblem that is specific to a Support-type Hero is to use a Support Emblem. If your Marskman Emblem level has reached level 40, it is recommended to use the talent sequence below:

Build Emblem Estes Mobile Legends 2

  1. Mastery
  2. Agility
  3. Vitality
  4. Gift
  5. Recovery
  6. Rupture
  7. And passive Emblem use Focusing Mark (If Emblem level reaches level 20), Healing Hand (if Emblem level reaches level 30), and Pull Yourself Together (if Emblem level reaches level 40).

Spell or Ability That Matches Hero Estes Mobile Legends

So what spell is suitable for this ML Support hero like Estes.

1. Flicker

Spell Estes Mobile Legends 1

Choose the Spell or Flicker ability which will teleport straight ahead so that it will avoid being chased by the enemy if your skills are all cooldown. Tips Flicker across the stone wall, so the enemy will rotate first if chasing you.

Tips for Using Hero Estes in Mobile Legends, the Sickest, Strongest, Savage

For the strategy of using Hero Estes, there are several things you should pay attention to. Here are some tips that you can learn to use Hero Estes smoothly.

How to use Hero Estes Mobile Legends

1. Estes Don’t Forget To Farm

Marksman is indeed a push or cover turrent, don’t forget to farm so you can give additional EXP and Coins that you get for Monsters, especially Monsters that produce Buffs.

The most important point is that Marskman must be farming in order to outperform enemy heroes. Because Marksman is the initiator during War to deal damage to the enemy team.

2. Keep Estes always behind a tank or fighter

Markman must always be covered because if Marksman becomes a feeder then 70% of your team can be predicted to lose.

Therefore, those of you who use Hero Marksman must keep your distance and if there is a Fighter or Tank, try to always be behind them.

3. Always Be Alert Around

It is a rule for Mobile Legends players that Marksman is always in the mid line. And this is sometimes a Marksman only focuses on enemies in the mid line.

Also beware of anticipating enemies who are at the top and bottom line. Because the enemy could go to the mid line to attack you. Always look at the mini map on the top left to always monitor.

4. Slowly But Surely

Don’t worry if you lose the level of the enemy Marksman.

Just try not to die the most important thing and always be vigilant and keep your distance. Because that way during the Late Game you will be able to act to help your team. The most important thing is for keep your distance, do some farming, and try not to die.

5. Hero Estes Don’t Hesitate To Release Ulti

How to use Hero Estes Mobile Legends 2

There’s no need to save or delay to release the Ulti Estes skill. Because the Ulti Estes skill can deal high damage so that the enemies you face at least give damage pressure to the enemy.

If you delay to issue your Ulti you will lose to the enemy who deals damage to you. It’s all a matter of timing and technique, the tips are when the enemy target feels right, don’t hesitate to use Ulti at the beginning of the War.

Some of the Weaknesses of Hero Estes Mobile Legends

So what are the weakness heroes of Estes the healer who really likes to heal other heroes who are dying because of being hit by enemy skills or ulti.

1. All ML Heroes

Estes is very vulnerable if attacked from all other Mobile Legends Heroes whether it’s Mage, Marksman, Assassins, even Tanks.

Estes doesn’t have armor or neutralizing magic, so even if there are enemy tanks that attack Estes, it will definitely deal great damage to Estes, especially Marksman or Assassin type heroes.

Which is very easy to kill Estes with just one full attack.

How to Deal

Estes must be obligated to cover, because Estes is vulnerable to attack and is easily targeted by enemies. The position of estes must be behind itself whether it’s with a partner or war and never solo, even if it’s just to protect the turrent.

Just focus on supporting the team or partner and be aware of those around you and try to provide the best support for the team.


So, that’s the joys and sorrows of using estes if you still intend to play in classic mode, but if you are mentally strong, please use it in ranked mode haha..

Estes can’t be underestimated, this Support hero can be an important part of a team’s victory in a match, in fact they often have lots of assists and very few deaths.

So are you planning on using Estes’s hero, even though Estes’ top global build gear is the strongest and sickest? back again to the individual technique in playing it.. one auto savage..

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