Crypto gameplay in Apex Legends is finally revealed and its ability support is finally revealed!
Crypto is one of the new additions to Apex Legends Season 3: Meltdown which players are definitely excited about, and Legend This new one might deserve to be a crowd favourite. He is not a character that focuses on offensive or defensive, and is more suitable as a support character because of his abilities that do not give any deadly attacks or the ability to defend himself from the enemy.
On the contrary, his power favors surveillance and gathering information about the surrounding area to track the presence of the enemy. Thanks to EA which invites several content creators to test Season 3, now we know the names of the three abilities including what it can do.

Tactical – Surveillance Drone
Tactical Ability it allows Crypto using drones that can gather information about the surrounding area. The drone is remotely controlled and when used, Crypto will stand in the same position while pointing the drone at almost anywhere. While controlling the drone, players can ping any enemy they see, and the enemy will remain targeted while the drone is in the air.
The weakness of this ability is that the enemy will know when they are pinged, and can shoot the drone easily. Finding this drone is not difficult because it makes a continuous noise when it is active.
Passive – Neurolink
This passive ability is also blessed with own drone Crypto because it allows the player and all teammates to see all enemies within a 30 meter radius of the drone while it is in the air. The entire squad is able to spot enemies as their bodies will light up whenever they are within drone range.
Ultimate – EMP Drone
Still with the theme, the strongest ability Legend This new one also engages his drone as he can use it to unleash massive EMP blasts. If the drone is activated, players can fly to the area they choose, then activate the EMP charge which covers a fairly wide distance. Those hit by the blast will be dealt 50 points of damage to their shields, movement will slow down, and all traps will be turned off.
You can watch full gameplay Crypto, including all three abilities in the video below the results Youtube The Gaming Merchant:
Even though it’s very interesting Crypto is not the only aspect in Season 3 which players need to look forward to because Meltdown will also introduce new weapons, the Battle Pass, the ranking system, and most importantly, the map.”World’s Edge“. Season 3 is out today on October 1, 2021, and we will continue to bring you the most up-to-date information.
Source – Dexerto
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