Date of Birth, Age and Height

Final Fantasy Main Characters: Date of Birth, Age and Height – Has many main characters. The following is a complete bio of Final Fantasy characters.
Since its release in 1987, Final Fantasy games have now managed to become a game franchise that has grown tremendously in the gaming industry. This game made by Square Enix has now released many game series, spin-off titles, movies, merchandise and much more.
Final Fantasy is also a game that is taken into account in terms of storyline, gameplay, characters and especially graphics. With fifteen game titles, FF has introduced many characters in the game. Here is complete information about the 15 main characters of Final Fantasy complete with their birth date, age and height.
Final Fantasy Character Bios
15. Clive – Final Fantasy XVI
Gamexran will start with the Final Fantasy XVI character, Clive. Unfortunately, there is not much information about Clive’s character in Final Fantasy. In addition to having the full name and age described in FF XVI. Clive’s full name is Clive Rosfield and aged 15 years at the start of the game.
14. Noctis – Final Fantasy XV
Who doesn’t know male character The most handsome and powerful Final Fantasy this one? Noctis Lucis Caelum. Noctis is the crown prince of the kingdom of Lucis. The Noctis character was recorded as born on August 30. He is 20 years old during most of the gameplay and is 30 years old by the end of the game. Noctis has a height of approx. 176cm or 5’9″.
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13. Surrender – Final Fantasy XIII-2
Serah managed to get a lot of attention from the players because of her beauty. Serah has a full name, namely Surrender Farron. He is 18 years in the first title, and 21 years old in the second title. Serah Farron is approx 164 cm. Unfortunately there is no information regarding the date of birth of Serah.
12. Lightning – Final Fantasy XIII
The next Final Fantasy character is Lighting. She is also a beautiful main female character in FF XIII who is also known as Claire Farron. Lighting aged 21 years on its first game title and began to age in the FFXIII-2 game. Unfortunately, there is no information regarding Lighting’s birth date and height.
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11. Vaan – Final Fantasy XII
In FF XII, players will meet the main character, namely Vaan. As the main character in Final Fantasy XII, Vaan is tall 170 cm. In the FF XII series he is described as aged 17 years and in the Revenant Wings series he is 18 years old.
10. Yuna – Final Fantasy X-2
Yuna is character the main character in Final Fantasy X-2 paired with the characters Rikku and Paine. In this series, Yuna is 19 years old. Although there is no information regarding Yuna’s birth date, but she has height 160cm. In the Fial Fantasy X-2 series, Yuna, Rikku and Paine are a great mix that is very similar to Charlie Angels.
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9. Tidus – Final Fantasy X
The next Final Fantasy character information is about the character sleep. He is the protagonist or main character of the FF X series. Tidus 17 years old on the game and have height 175 cm.
8. Zidane – Final Fantasy IX
Final Fantasy IX is considered as the return of the FF series to the Middle Ages with a more modern look. In this series, there is a main character named Zidane Tribal. Zidane aged 16 years and high 173 cm. Zidane’s character is one of the few characters who are not human, but rather he comes from Genome.
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7. Squall – Final Fantasy VIII
The FF 8 series has a character named Squall Leonhart. Fortunately, Squall’s character has fairly complete information. He was born in August 23 and aged 17 years on the game. While Squall has some uncertain information about his height. There are three information that Gamexran got, namely: 173 cm, 175 cm and 177 cm.
6. Clouds – Final Fantasy VII
Just like Noctis, Cloud Strife is a very famous Final Fantasy character. Many categorize him as the most handsome or handsome character in Final Fantasy. Cloud has high 173 cm. He was born in August 11, 1986 that makes him old 21 years in the main game. While in the film Advent Children, Cloud is 23 years old. On the Dirge of Cerberus spin-off, he was 24 years old. And aged 14-21 years in the title Before Crisis and Crisis Core.
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5. Terra And Locke – Final Fantasy VI
You could say this is the first series of all existing FF series, which has two main characters, namely Terra Branford and Locke Cole. Terra Cole has a height of 160 cm. He was born in November and is pictured 24 years old on this FF VI. Whereas Locke Cole has height 175 cm.
4. Bartz – Final Fantasy V
The main character in FF V is Bartz Klauser. Bartz 20 years old and have height 176 cm. Unfortunately there is no detailed information about when he was born.
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3. Cecil – Final Fantasy IV
Cecil Harvey is protagonist character from Final Fantasy IV. In this series, Cecil is portrayed as a Dark Knight before he turns into a Paladin. Cecil’s character has height 178 cm and 20 years old. There is no information regarding the time of his birth, other than the age difference in FF 4 Interlude and The After Years, which are 21 and 37 years old, respectively.
2. Luneth – Final Fantasy III
In the original series, the FF III game has four characters. But this game was finally remade or remake in 2006. In the remake series, the main character of FF III becomes one person, namely Luneth. Luneth characters 14 years old and has a shorter height than all other Final Fantasy characters.
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1. Firion – Final Fantasy II
Enter the final Final Fantasy main character bio information, namely Firion. Unfortunately there is no detailed information regarding Firion which explains when he was born and his full name. Firion is only known to be old 18 years in the FF II series.
That’s information about Final Fantasy character bios. For those of you who are confused, there are some characters who don’t have full names or long names. In addition, some characters also do not have clear information regarding their birth date and height.
Hopefully it’s useful, Gaess.
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About the author: @ransltn
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