5 Android Games Similar to PUBG Offline, Potato Cellphones & Small Storage

5 Android Games Similar to PUBG Offline, Potato Cellphones & Small Storage – Game genre Battle Royale it is still a favorite game in Indonesia. Moreover, the world of esports in Indonesia is currently developing very rapidly. Competitive games are wrapped with epic gameplay and graphics, making gamers fall in love with this game genre. But unfortunately this battle royale genre game requires a stable internet connection and a cellphone with sufficient specifications to be able to play it smoothly. If you are looking for 5 offline pubg-like games that you can play without worrying about internet quota, Gamexran has the information, guys. Let’s see below:
5 Gam like pubg offline
1. Guns Royale
This offline pubg-like game is a little different from other games. Comes with an old school look, namely 8 bits. This game is still fun for you to play. Game made Wizard Games Incorporated It has a size of 89 MB and has been successfully downloaded more than 100 thousand times.
Guns Royale managed to be liked by gamers because it has fun and not boring gameplay. Especially if you like the boxy world like Minecraft, this game is worth a try.
2. Royal Robot BattleGround
This one game is guaranteed to be much different from other offline pubg-like games. All characters on Royal Robot Battleground are robots. These robots are very similar to the robots in the movies Transformers or Gundam. They are also equipped with weapons and armor that you can use to win the game.
This game with a size of 99 MB has been downloaded more than 500 thousand times, you know, Gaess. In this game you can also drive helicopters and boats. This game is getting more GG, hihihi.
3. Desert Battle Ground
Game made Nexeex Studio this has a size of 98 MB only, Gaess. This battle royale genre game is very similar to pubg mobile, of course this game is fun for you to play. It is proven by having been successfully downloaded by more than 1 million times.
But the gameplay of this game can be said single player. Because you don’t need a team to kill your enemies. You are only asked to need as many enemies as possible. In this game you also drive motorbikes and cars, you know.
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4. Gaint.io
If this one game is not an android game like offline pubg, but it is more like fortnite offline. In this game there are five game modes that you can play. Besides being offline, you can also play this Gaint.io game online, you know, Gaess. So when you run out of internet quota, you can still play this one game.
Game made Navo Games it has been successfully downloaded more than 1 million times and is only 95 MB in size. Like a game Fortnite, you will also make a building during the fight against the enemy. Even though your enemies are bots, these bots are quite difficult to beat, you know, Gaess.
5. Dome of Doom
Another game like pubg offline made Nexeex Studio, Dome of Doom. But this one game can be said to be very similar to pubg. For offline games, Dome of Doom is a pretty good game in terms of graphics and gameplay. There are various vehicles that you can use in this game, such as motorbikes and cars.
This 99 MB size game has been downloaded 1 million times. Guaranteed for those of you who don’t have an internet city, this game will entertain you with its games that are not boring.
Now. Those are the 5 best offline pubg-like android games, Gamexran version. For those of you who have played the games above, leave a comment below! For info on games like pubg, keep watching gamexran, guys!
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