Location 6 Temari Game & Kid Kujirai Quest Genshin Impact

Location 6 Temari Game & Kid Kujirai Quest Genshin Impact – Want to get all six chests? This is the complete location of the Temari game on the Kid Kujirai Genshin Impact quest.
To get chests or chests, players usually have to explore. Like to find the location of the 6 chests on a quest called Temaria Game on Kid Kujirai. Through this quest, you will open challenges to find 6 Temari throughout the Inazuma area.
Every chest or Tamaria chest that you managed to get. You will get 10 primogems. To start the search for the 6 chests or chests, the following Gamexran informs the location of the 6 Tamaria Game chests from Kid Kujirai Genshin Impact.
Location 6 ‘Chest Temari Game’ Genshin Impact
Before starting the search, you must first go to the waypoint south of the Byakko Plain. Near the waypoint, you will find an NPC named Kid Kujirai. Please interact with the NPC to get the Temaria Game world quest. READ ALSO: Location of Abandoned Shrine Konda Village in Genshin Impact
First of all, you will be tasked with finding the location of the Temari ball within 30 seconds. You can find the location of the ball through the distance from target tracker at the top of the screen.
After that, you will be able to find Kid Kujirai in Inazuma and challenge him to play Temari. Now! In this challenge or quest, Kid Kujirai will ask you to find the location of 6 Kid Kujirai or Tamaria chests scattered in Inazuma. READ ALSO: Location of Three ‘Little Tanuki’ in Chinju Forest Genshin Impact
Location of 6 Temari Game Chests:
1. The location of Temari Game’s 6 chests is west of the Araumi waypoint located on Narukami Island. From the waypoint, please jump off the cliff to the west and slide down to the beach where Kid Kujirai is located.
2. Located east of Inazuma City. From the Inazuma City waypoint, you have to slide down to the island which is east of the city. READ ALSO: Radish Genshin Impact Location and How to Find It3. Continue to the third location of the chest Temari This Genshin Impact game is located in the south of the Tatarasuna region in Kannazuka. To reach this location, please teleport to the south of Tatarasuna. Then jump off the cliff to the south and slide to Kid Kujirai’s location.
4. The fourth chest is in the north of the Tatarasuna area. To find it, you have to teleport towards northern Tatarasuna and slide west and down towards the beach. READ ALSO: The Most Beautiful Genshin Impact Cosplay, You Can’t See It!5. The location of the fifth Kid Kujirai game Tamari chest is in the Serpent’s Head area, Yashiori Island. You must teleport to the east of Maguu Kenki and glide southeast of Serpent’s Head. You will find Kid Kujirai in the mouth of the Serpent’s Head.
6. The last one is in the Jakotsu Mine area, Yashiori Island. The location of the Tamaria Game Kid Kujirai chest is quite difficult for you to find. To reach the location, please teleport back to the waypoint east of Maguu Kenki.
From this waypoint, you must slide towards the southwest. As you slide, you will see a hole in the ground. It is in the hole that you will find a large cave and that is the last location of Kid Kujirai.
That’s the location of 6 Temari Game Chests on the Kid Kujirai Genshin Impact quest. However, you can also invite friends to participate to help you find one of the six locations. READ ALSO: 5 Best DPS Characters in Genshin Impact, GG Abis!
Hopefully it’s useful, Gaess.
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