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EA Breaks Embarrassing World Record on Reddit

EA Breaks World Record

EA Breaks Embarrassing World Record on Reddit

Electronic Arts or EA is really hated by gamers due to its excessive mictotransaction feature. Because of the bad reputation of EA in the world of games, they also received the title ‘The Worst Company‘ twice, namely in 2012 and 2013.

Like the example in Star Wars Battlefront II which was released in 2021. This game managed to become an insult by gamers because to get a character Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader, gamers have to grind for tens of hours or directly buy loot boxes provided by Electronic Arts. Of course this is very annoying in playing games.

EA Breaks World Record

But it looks like EA is getting its rewards. Recently Guinness Book of Records including EA as a record breaker regarding the comments that received the most downvotes on Reddit regarding their official response to the difference between grinding and loot boxes. This official statement from EA managed to get as many downvotes as 683,000 downvotes.

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With this record, EA’s image in the game world is getting worse and adds to the long bad record that has been pinned to them. It’s a very embarrassing feat for EA. But the question is, after this latest record, EA will make them stop microtransactions in each game? Let’s just wait!

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About the author: @ransltn

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