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Lenovo Gaming League 2 Bandung Match Update

The Dota2 competition which was held by Lenovo in 6 major cities in Indonesia with Bandung as the first city, brought prizes that did not play around with a total of 250 million.

Cyberia Bliss Pasteur Bandung was chosen as the first place for the championship to be held on November 5, 2016, followed by 16 teams that passed the qualifying round in each city, this match adopted a single elimination system where each team got 1 chance to compete

Of the 16 teams competing in Ligagame.Tv, Lenovo is trusted to cover the quarter finals which will be broadcast live.

In the first match at 14.00 Team iNation. Reborn against Team Asian Gamers with a win by Asian Gamers, and took them to the Semifinals against Team Xtreme_Legion

In the coverage of the Second match at 15.30 Team BUJAL fought God Gifts with a victory by God Gifts, and brought them to the Semifinals Against Team Nemesys

In the coverage of the third match at 17.00 Team Nemesys against God Gifts with the victory won by Team God Gifts and they made it to the Final to fight the Asian Gamers at 18.00

And finally in the God Gifts Final Match, Win the Lenovo Gaming League2 Tournament in Bandung, Congratulations on competing in the next tournament in Jakarta for God Gifts.

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