Locations to Find Pinecones in Genshin Impact, COMPLETE!

Pinecones location in Genshin Impact, COMPLETE! – Looking for Pinecones or pinecones in Genshin Impact? Gamexran will give you the location of Pinecones that you can find easily.
The Marvelous Merchant event is currently underway at Genshin Impact. Of course there will be many quests that you have to complete. One of them is to open Boxes O’ Marvels.
However, to unlock Boxes O’ Marvels, you need certain materials named Pinecones or pinecones. The problem is that many of you don’t know the location of Pinecones in Genshin Impact. Luckily Gamexran knows where to find Pinecones or this pinecone.
Location of Pinecones in Genshin Impact
- For those of you who want to get pinecones in a fast time. Then there is no other place but to find it on the suspension bridge located just northwest of ‘Q’ on Qingce Village. At this location, you will get at least 10 pinecones or pinecones. ALSO READ: Location of 50 Starsilver Genshin Impact, Here’s the FULL Location!
- In addition to Qingce Village, you can also find the location of the pinecone Genshin Impact at Mondstadt. There are several areas that you can check or visit. That is north of Dadaupa Gorge to the east of Cape Oath.
- The next Pinecones location is at Stormbearer Mountains. Go to this location, then you will find some pinecones on the northwest of Starfell Lake.
After you find some Pinecones locations in Genshin Impact. Then you can meet Liben and give the materials Pinecones to him. After that, you’ll be able to open Boxes O’ Marvels and get some Primogems and other rewards. READ ALSO: Genshin Impact’s Best Party Member To Defeat These 7 Bosses
Is Pinecones only for Marvelous Merchant events, min? No, Gaess. As one of the materials in Genshin Impact, of course Pinecones or pine seeds have other uses. You can make a variety of dishes or food recipes of this material. Like one of them is Hash Browns and Sauteed Matsutake. READ ALSO: Location of Apple Genshin Impact, This is the FULL Location!
That’s the location of Pinecones Genshin Impact that you can find easily. How about it, Gaess? Easy isn’t it? Hopefully you’re not confused anymore, find this Genshin Impact material. READ ALSO: How to Get Prosperity in Genshin Impact, Easy!
Hopefully it’s useful, Gaess.
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About the author: @ransltn
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