President's Cup 2021 Is Looking For Local Games To Compete

President’s Cup 2021
The increasing world of esports in Indonesia is also followed by many international tournament events that have been successfully participated by Indonesian gamers. Not only representing, but also winning international Esports tournaments and becoming a team that is recognized for its prowess by gamers from other countries. In addition, Indonesia is also the host of several international events such as PBIC 2021 and The One Dota 2 Jakarta World Pro Invitation.
Good news for the world of Indonesian Esports. After the world of Esports was enlivened by games from foreign developers, such as Tencent and Moonton. Looks like it’s time for local developers from Indonesia to step up with their games.
The Indonesian Esports organization has just announced that they are looking for local developers who are ready to bring their games to participate in the game President’s Cup 2021 which will be held in February.
It is clearly written in the announcement that the requirements of the games submitted for the 2021 Presidential Cup will be simplified. Developers have the right to submit any game, even if their game is not an esports game. The IESPL said that as long as the game can be played in multiplayer, then developers are welcome to submit their games to take part in the qualification stage.
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This is a fresh step to advance Indonesian local games. We hope that in the future these local games can also be known by Indonesian gamers. So that it is not only foreign-made games that are excellent in the Indonesian esports world.
Come on, Indonesian developers, show your game!!
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About the author: @ransltn
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