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*Rumors* Apex Legends will have a Ranked Mode?

Apex Legends is indeed something new in the world of Battle Royale but for your knowledge, Apex Legends is useless in Origin, of course there are many players who say this gameplay is fun and something fresh in Battle Royale. But now there are rumors that Apex Legends will add a Ranked Mode.

So, what is ranked mode? This Ranked Mode is a play where if you play, there will be a higher W/L record, a higher win record, better ranking in the game. And it seems that Apex Legends wants to put that element in the game.

Ok, is there a good Ranked Mode in Apex Legends? Supposedly, at least we can grind to become the best player in Apex Legends. And who knows in the future, there will be Apex Legends E-sports?

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