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The chaos of playing the Holloween Shadowfall Mod at Apex Legends? Here are the Pro Tips that you can refer to!

Aren’t you excited when a terrible event comes out in conjunction with this month of Holloween in most games? As you know, before this we also shared about the event Fight or Fright close Apex Legends right~ In this event there is a new and limited time mod which is mod Shadowfall!

Taking the player off the new map of season three and returning to the grim version of King’s Canyon, the game starts off as a free-for-all solo player, but when killed, the player reappears as Shadows. They move fast, low-health versions of their chosen characters who can’t wield weapons or abilities, but their inhuman attacks and deadly melee attacks make them a force to be reckoned with.

Playing this mod, only 10 Legends are left alive, and a group of Shadows comes to block the journey of Legends who will try to escape to the droship. Is it fun? But every fun there must be difficulties, wanting to be a Legends until the end of the game is really bad, or wanting to adjust to this mod is too bad. That’s okay today, let’s share a few tips that you can try to use in this mod and master the twists and turns of Shadowfall as Legend and Shadows!

Wattson & Pathfinder are MVPs!

Let’s say you want to live as a Legend, indeed Wattson and Pathfinder are the answer because they have the most important skills to do that. Pathfinder is self-explanatory, as its grips and zip lines are a great tool for avoiding Shadows and getting a full dropship.

Wattson’s fence does little to help the game, there comes a time when Shadows who have low HP can still prevent them from breaking through Wattson’s fence but Wattson’s character players who step inside the building continue to kill an amazing number of shadows with well-designed defensive perimeters.

Don’t worry, Shadows can still skip the Wattson fence!

Accept the fact, if your HP is full of Shadows, then go to the Wattson fence. Yes, you can destroy it! Shadow’s melee attacks have a kind of lunging that can make it difficult to hit the right target and Wattson’s fence nodes have very small hitboxes and are limited to the base of the node. However, it is still manageable!

Always look at the sky!

If Shadow is present, it’s hard to impress them. Even though there is audio that tells them they are close, but suddenly they are too close! The most important thing to fight Shadow is to know where they are before they arrive in the Legend area. When Shadow respawns, they enter the map via a conventional skydive, and they leave a bright red trail behind them. You can keep an eye on the Shadows number while playing through the counter at the top left of the screen. If the numbers start to go up, you can look at the sky once in a while to see if they are close to you for you to be wary of.

Circles don’t make any impression on Shadows!

Circles don’t hurt Shadows right away! This allows them to enter and exit freely, or better, to wait for prey that lags behind the sphere area. So be careful with the presence of their counterattack. Shadows, this is your chance to attack Legends!

Supply Bin has JUMPSCARE!!

To make King’s Canyon more spooky, various Halloween items surround this area. Candles, cobwebs and a lot more spooky stuff, including suppy bins with their own ‘decoration’! Open your headphones a little bit, supply bins now have spiders and zombies spawn! They’re mostly harmless, but they come out with a scream that’s sure to take you by surprise. Killing them will result in a bit of loot, so good luck getting them!

Kill Shadow to save yourself!

You will often find yourself injured and unable to heal when things are complicated. If you want to heal yourself, it’s hard to find the best position. So the most fun way, kill Shadows! Yes, little by little your life will come back after killing them!

All killing locations can be seen by Shadow squad!

Resistance is best avoided but to survive. Whether you shoot down Shadow or Legends, it will show a marker on the map for everyone to see. Respawned Shadows will know exactly where to go if they are looking for a target. Get ready, your location will be tracked later okay!

Running towards Dropship

The most difficult part in this mod is of course running towards Dropship! You have a limited time to be on board the ship before it leaves and leaves you behind with all of your very friendly Shadow comrades. Warning, Shadows will know where the Dropship is! Don’t ask why they are ready to wait for the presence of Legends. So run in groups towards Dropship for more safety and more protection!

Joining before only 10 people left is so satisfying!

Survive in the last ten, join the others. But between which one becomes Shadow, Legend needs to always be vigilant! Try any way of signaling to tell you you want to cooperate, maybe with a shot in the sky, or a spar in another direction even though there’s no Shadow~

Shadows has UNLIMITED climbing ability!

Going to high ground, it should be an advantage. The usual Legends can only climb in short areas, but Shadow has the ability to scale practically anything they can get a solid grip on.

Is there a curve, or is it too high? No immediate problems for Shadow! This is important knowledge when hunting as Shadow and a necessary consideration when choosing a hiding place as Legends.

Source: Gamerant

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