The Most Awaited Bearshark Card Hearthstone Players Have Known
Now a Legendary Druid card, Bearshark, has been obtained for what it looks like and its abilities. After yesterday’s leaks regarding this card were seen, now the details of this card have been obtained.
The Bearshark card can be one of the best pictured cards ever seen. Where combining a bear with a shark makes it look so fierce. With 3 mana and 4/3 card status this looks quite promising. In addition, he has an ability that makes him unable to be attacked with magic or other abilities.
Then usually Blizzard rarely creates a legendary card that has above average strength. However, in the Knights of the Frozen Throne card set, this seems to be a little bit put aside. There are legendary Hunter and Mage cards that have great potential. In addition, the legendary Warlock card also looks quite strong.
Now the legendary Druid cards have been released and have interesting stats and abilities to use in the game. It seems that Druid will have a chance to come back again through expansion packs and also the latest updates.
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