Who is Mother Miranda Resident Evil Village? Here are the details

Who is Mother Miranda in Resident Evil Village? Here are the details – For the curious. Gamexran will explain to you who Mother Miranda is in Resident Evil Village.
Previously, Gamexran had discussed who Lady Dimitrescu was. This time Gamexran will discuss who Mother Miranda is. Mother Miranda’s name is very often mentioned in the Resident Evil Village game. This is what makes many people curious about who Mother Miranda is.
Previously there was no information about who Mother Miranda was. However, when the Resident Evil Village game was released. Capcom is starting to open up about this information about Mother Miranda, Gaess. Gamexran got information about Mother Miranda from Fandom Resident Evil previously empty. There will be a lot of information about Mother Miranda. So pay attention and don’t skip.
Who is Mother Miranda Resident Evil Village?
Dr. Miranda or real name Miranda is a scientist who serves as a priestess and spiritual leader of a village in the mountains in Romania. She is known by her followers with the title Mother or Mother.
There is no definite information regarding Miranda’s birth date, Gaess. However, Capcom states that Miranda was born before or during the early 20th century or around 1901. And Miranda died on February 10, 2021. READ ALSO: 4 Lords in Resident Evil Village Who Serve Mother Miranda
Mother Miranda’s Youth
Miranda was born in the early 20th century. She had a daughter named Eva who died during the Spanish flu pandemic. Eva’s passing is a very deep sorrow for Miranda.
He even felt despair over the loss of his daughter and went to a cave in the Mountain Stream north of the village. At that time, he intended to end his life and join forces with the princess, Eva. However, while in the cave, Miranda finds a mushroom superorganime called Megamycete. READ ALSO: Resident Evil Village Loading 600% Faster on PS5
Mother Miranda’s Experiment
After making contact with the Megamycete, Miranda’s intelligence increased and she began to use the Megamycete to conduct experiments. Miranda also began to think about bringing Eva to life by using the villagers to find a suitable container for Eva.
How does Miranda take advantage of the villagers, min? So Miranda offered protection to the villagers, Gaess. On credit Resident Evil Village, Capcom describes how Miranda does this. Miranda injects the experimental parasite into sick villagers. At first those who were sick felt healthy again. This is what makes Mother Miranda eventually appointed as a religious leader in the village.
But Miranda secretly used her influence to exploit hundreds of helpless villagers as test subjects and torture subjects for more than a century. How can it be a century, min? So because of this Megamycete, Mother Miranda became ageless and could live for decades.
However, over time, the villagers who were the subjects of the experiment, they began to show different reactions. And most of them turned into Lycans, Gaess. READ ALSO: Resident Evil 8 Village PC Specifications, Minimum and Recommended
4 Lords Resident Evil Village
Out of hundreds of villagers, Mother Miranda found 4 people with different results whose eyebrows did not turn into Lycans. The four people are Alcina Dimitrescu, Donna Beneviento, Salvatore Moreau and Karl Heisenberg. However, none of these four people is suitable to be Eva’s container.
This is also explained in the game Resident Evil Village when Chris finds Mother Miranda’s lab, Gaess. There are four books that explain the results of the four people. What’s interesting and surprising is that Mother Miranda doesn’t think they’re special. Mother Miranda only used these four people to help her carry out her experiments. For example, Alcina Dimitrescu with her three children namely Bela, Cassandra and Daniela. READ ALSO: Mercenaries Mode Comes to Resident Evil Village, Here are the Details
Mother Miranda’s Relationship with Umbrella
Mother Miranda was once a mentor to one of the founders of the Umbrella Corporation, Oswell E. Spencer. Mother Miranda succeeded in inspiring Spencer to achieve his vision of human evolution. However, at one time, the two disagreed about the nature and purpose of the Bio Organic Weapon or BOW. Spencer finally left Mother Miranda and used the 4 houses symbol as his company logo. READ ALSO: 10 Interesting Facts About Umbrella Corporation in Resident Evil
Mother Miranda’s Relationship with The Connection
The discovery of the mushroom superorganism makes Miranda approached by the crime syndicate The Connection, Gaess. The Connection tried to offer help to Miranda which eventually led Miranda to provide a printed sample and her son’s DNA. Mother Miranda became the chief researcher responsible for Eveline’s creation. But sadly, Miranda realizes that Eveline is a flawed creation.
Miranda’s involvement with The Connection and Eveline led to them being hunted by the BSAA for the next three years. Three years after Eveline and her involvement with the Dulvey incident or Resident Evil 7. The Connection informs Miranda of Rosemary Winter’s whereabouts. The surviving child of Ethan Winter and Mia Winter. READ ALSO: 6 Games Similar to ‘Resident Evil’ Survival Horror
Resident Evil Village Storyline
This is where the core of the storyline comes from Resident Evil Village is starting to unfold, Gaess. Mother Miranda thinks that Rose is a suitable vessel for Eva and this makes her try to kidnap Rose.
Before kidnapping Rose, Mother Miranda had kidnapped Mia at an unspecified time, aka there is no information about when Miranda kidnapped Mia. Why did Mother Miranda kidnap Mia, min? Mia who is a former member of The Connection is forced to help Mother Miranda in her experiments. READ ALSO: Why Jill Valentine Doesn’t Appear in Resident Evil 8 & Infinite Darkness
While Mia is kidnapped, Mother Miranda takes on the role of Mia and plays the role of wife and mother to Ethan and Rose. So why did Chris shoot Mia at home, because it’s not the real Mia, Gaess. It is Mother Miranda disguised as Mia. It was also why he didn’t want to talk about what happened three years ago at the Baker’s house. Because Mother Miranda did not know about the incident at all.
After Chris shoots Miranda, he pretends to be dead and is seen by Chris with his convoy. Unfortunately Miranda managed to stop the convoy and took Rose.
Mother Miranda is Mia, min? YES, Gaess. With the abilities of the Megamycete, he can also turn into anything. Not just turning into Mia, you know the old lady with the wand or the Hag? That’s Mother Miranda in disguise, Gaess. READ ALSO: 5 of the best games made by Capcom with a score of 96/100
End of Resident Evil Village
For this one is a bit of a spoiler, Gaess. If you haven’t watched or played the Resident Evil Village game. You can skip this one.
While Ethan is with Karl Heseinberg, Miranda collects four boxes of Rose’s parts to prepare for the ceremony to revive Eva. After Heseinberg dies at Ethan’s hands, Miranda reunites with Ethan and tells Ethan how important Rose is to Miranda. In addition, Miranda also tells Ethan that Rose is the successor of Eveline and her daughter who will be reborn through Rose.
At this time Miranda and Ethan are fighting, Miranda thanks Ethan for killing her four children and bringing Megamycete back to life. Miranda also assures Ethan that she will give Rose a happy future and that Ethan should die peacefully. READ ALSO: 5 Facts About Ada Wong Resident Evil
Unfortunately in this battle, Ethan had to die because Miranda easily took Ethan’s heart. Interestingly and unexpectedly, Ethan’s death revealed a new fact that actually Ethan was dead in Resident Evil 7. Ethan was able to come back to life due to the Mold in his body.
This is also what makes Ethan come back alive for the second time. Ethan tries to meet Miranda and fight her. Long story short Ethan managed to defeat Mother Miranda by sacrificing himself in a powerful bomb explosion. READ ALSO: Resident Evil 4 Virtual Reality (VR) Coming to Oculus Quest 2
Please also watch the video on Youtube:
That’s the explanation of who Mother Miranda is in Resident Evil Village, Gaess. How? Are you satisfied with this explanation? Or are you still curious about something else?
Hopefully it’s useful, Gaess.
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About the author: @ransltn
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