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Wild Rift Season 1 Has Finally Started!

Wild Rift Season 1 Has Finally Started! After several months of release, League of Legends Wild Rift’s first ranked season has finally begun.

This marks the end of season zero. But players who finished their placement or ranked match would not lose their rank unless they reached rank Platinum Four or higher. If so, they would lose some rank with a soft reset.

This is the rank rest that occurred in Wild Rift Season 1:

  • Platinum 4 to Gold 1
  • Platinum 3 to Gold 1
  • Platinum 2 to Platinum 4
  • Platinum 1 to Platinum 3
  • Emerald 4 to Platinum 2
  • Emerald 3 to Platinum 1
  • Emerald 2 to Platinum 1
  • Emerald 1 to Emerald 4
  • Diamond 4 to Emerald 3
  • Diamond 3 to Emerald 2
  • Diamond 2 to Emerald 2
  • Diamond 1 to Emerald 1
  • Masters to Diamond 4
  • Grandmaster to Diamond 4
  • Challenger to Diamond 3

Also read: Katarina will be coming to LoL Wild Rift in 2021!

Also Read: All New Things in Patch Notes Update 2.0 LoL Wild Rift!

If the player has reached level 10, they will get an exclusive participation icon. This border icon also depends on the rank they have gotten.

Those who reach the level Gold and won 10 games in season zero will also receive emote and emblem unique.

There is a giveaway contest with a prize of 1 million rupiah in game vouchers in the application!

There is no news yet on how long Season 1 Wild Rift will run, but they should be following the mobile game trend, which is around 1-3 months per season.

Meanwhile, five champions Yordle joining the Wild Rift that is Kennen, Teemo, Tristana, Lulu, and Corki. To celebrate their addition, event Jordan Expedition has been launched and will last all month.

But it looks like this Jordan Event is having a problem with a bug so wait a minute, spinners will definitely run again as soon as possible!

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