Kentaro Miura's Assistant Will Continue Berserk Manga To The End?
The passing of legendary mangaka Kentaro Miura last week still leaves a deep feeling of sorrow for many fans around the world. Apart from being known for his excellent manga works especially from the Berserk series, Miura is an inspirational figure who has brought a new evolution to the Dark Fantasy theme, which is now widely used in many game and film works. This sad news of course also raises one big question, namely “what will happen to Berserk?” especially considering that the manga series, which has been running since 1989, is still not finished.
This curiosity finally began to be answered after two of Miura’s assistants who worked at Studio Gaga began to speak up. The first confirmation came from his assistant who used the username @Drache_Doratan on Twitter who said that he didn’t know what was going to happen, and if something was decided there would be a certain time for it. He also said that he was not in a position to determine the decision to be taken later.
こ の 先 が ど う な る の か は 知 り え て い ま せ ん し, そ れ を 決 め る 立場 に も な い の で, し ば ら く 水面下 に 移行 し ま す. 具体 的 な こ と が あ る に し て も 時期 を 置 く 事 に な る で し ょ う.
最後 に, 三浦 先生 の ベ ル セ ル ク を は じ め と し た 作品 の フ ァ ン で い て く れ て あ り が と う ご ざ い ま す, そ し て 今後 と も よ ろ し く お 願 い し ま す.— (@Drache_Doratan) May 21, 2021
う ん, 頑 張 り ま す
— (@MRko_aki___) May 21, 2021
While confirmation from the second assistant who has a user name @MRko_aki_, he just made a post containing “I will do my best”. This sentence is the one that arouses the most curiosity, because it could mean that he will do his best to continue the serialization of Berserk, or perhaps take on other tasks entrusted to him as part of the Miura team at Studio Gaga.
Whatever decisions are made in the future, what is clear is that serialization of the Berserk manga may still have the potential to be resumed. Many fans will definitely not like the idea, but there are actually many cases where the creator of the main series entrusts the task of continuing the series to his assistant, the easiest example can be seen from Boruto.
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