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After RRQ Hoshi, it's Bren Esports' Turn to Have Problems When Arriving in Singapore

12 teams of contestants from around the world gathered in Singapore ahead of the biggest event of Mobile Legends M2. The Covid 19 pandemic has more or less affected the Mobile Legends world championship event this time. The strict health protocol is a problem that must be faced by pro players upon arrival in Singapore. As previously reported, there were several members of RRQ Hoshi who were reported to have contracted the Covid virus. However, after undergoing the test, the entire group from RRQ Hoshi, both players and coaches and staff, later tested negative.

The same thing is now experienced by a team from the Philippines, Bren Esports. The two players from Bren Esports are Duckeyyy and Phew was detained at one of the Singapore airports because he was suspected of being positive for Covid 19. They were also detained at the Singapore health service for further treatment. Even though Bren Esports has been given a personal letter from Moonton, according to local policy, they still have to follow health protocols.

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Inevitably this took a bit of time and energy from Bren Esports, some of whose members stated that this was their first time visiting Singapore. After further testing at Tan Tock Seng Hospital, it turned out that both players were tested negative for the Covid 19 virus. Upon arrival at the Shangri-la Hotel, Duckeyyy complained of communication problems because his Wifi and Sim card were not functioning properly.

Of course this was responded to by Moonton where they gave a letter of apology and some sweet cakes. Here is the latest news from players who have arrived in Singapore to take part in the biggest event from Mobile Legends, M2. It is hoped that players will not be “down” with the problems they are experiencing and continue to defend their country as well as possible.

Read next: Moonton Partners with SCOGA to Optimize M2 World Championship

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