BINUS and UI Alumni Establish Fintech Crowdfunding Startup for Indonesian Education
A surprising fact in 2015 ‘flicked’ Indonesian education. International student test results or Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) by Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) shows that Indonesia is ranked 69th out of 76 countries that took the test. The condition of schools that do not meet the standards is experienced by more than 75% of schools spread throughout our country, both in remote areas and in the city center (Kemdikbud, 2015). However, the potential for producing intelligent individuals remains. As one of the founders of ShareBreath experienced. His enthusiasm for learning in poor school conditions in his area succeeded in making him excel at one of the universities in Jakarta. Therefore, seeing the potential and hope behind the unfavorable exposure to facts, ShareBreath is here to offer solutions to those who care, are creative and have the initiative to improve and improve the quality of education evenly throughout the country.
ShareBreath is a container fintech crowdfunding to improve the quality of education in Indonesia equally through empowering teachers and communities. Fintech crowdfunding is a fundraising system to connect those who need help with those who want to provide assistance. ShareBreath’s vision is to be fintech crowdfunding platform share in trusted education to build a better Indonesian education ecosystem.
ShareBreath connects students, teachers and communities with the wider community, community social institutions, educational foundations and Corporate CSR to help realize the creativity and needs of those in need. The assistance provided can be in the form of funds, goods, labor or special expertise. ShareBreath provides an engaging and personalized experience for users to donate or help realize a need. Users will experience real growth and development of students, teachers and schools through reports provided regularly or by visiting the location directly. ShareBreath wants the students, teachers and schools that have been assisted to have a broad impact on the surrounding environment, so that change can be realized massively, independently and sustainably.
The ShareBreath team has started to visit and find out about the struggles of several schools such as PKBM Kalibata, PKBM Saraswati, SMA Dwisaka, Mother Earth Free Junior High School, Al-Kautsar Kindergarten, Cibungbulang 2 State Open Middle School, Cangkrang Posgiat, Bekasi PKWM, Green Indonesia Foundation Care House , and others. The ShareBreath team also had the opportunity to be mentored by influential figures such as Kun Maryati Yunus, a Widyaiswara at the Jakarta Education Quality Development Institute (LPMP) and author of educational books; Tan Wijaya, Director of PT. Central Data Technology; Leontinus Alpha Edison, Co-Founder & COO of Tokopedia; Jourdan Kamal, Founder & CEO of; and Carter Bing Andika, Founder of OWL Consulting. ShareBreath has been recognized by the field of Creative Economy Development of the Coordinating Ministry for the Economy of the Republic of Indonesia. This startup has also received support from Bina Nusantara University and collaboration with several other communities.
ShareBreath has four outstanding Co-founders, three of whom are alumni of Bina Nusantara University (BINUS) and one is an alumni of University of Indonesia (UI). Co-founder Tony Wei (23), graduated from the study program dual-degree BINUS University Management and Industrial Engineering. Satisfactory grades, activeness in organizations, and winning international national competitions made Tony Wei the winner of the highest WIBOWO Award at his 55th graduation. Tony Wei has also represented Indonesia to be a speaker in Beijing – Baidu International Marketing Conference and received a scholarship to Romania in the Bucharest Summer University program. Tony Wei has also worked for companies such as Unilever and Boston Consulting Group. The next co-founder, Gilang Marhadian (23), graduated from the study program dual-degree Management and Information Systems – BINUS University with a full scholarship “Widya Scholarship” during lectures. Gilang has also won at BINUS Startup Acceleration Batch II. The third co-founder, Sulton Mohamad (23), is a graduate of the Computer Systems study program – BINUS University. No stranger to moviegoers in the early 2000s, Sulton, known as ‘Sulton Max’, was a child actor as the main character who starred in the film series “Ratu Malu dan Jendral Kancil”, “Habibi and Habibah”, and the feature film “Ariel & Raja. Sky”. The last co-founder is Febrianto Hediadrie Pramono (23), a graduate of the Interior Architecture study program – University of Indonesia. Febri won the competition ITS Social Technopreneurship Challenge (ISTEC), National Social Business Camp (NSBC) and UGM Youth Power Category “Movies For Nation” Until now, Febri is also involved in the social field, namely as a designer and videographer at Kapiler Indonesia, an organization that focuses on digital mapping of orphanages throughout Indonesia.
ShareBreath currently has two services which are:
- On-demand projects (POD) is a project that is created based on the main needs of students, teachers or schools.
- Mentoring is a program designed to assist and finance teachers who have lower middle incomes in providing mentoring additional five students.
As the first step for ShareBreath towards its vision, it was successfully funded to help the State Open Middle School in Cibungbulang 2, Bogor with the collected funds amounting to Rp. 24,449,631. This fund is budgeted to support operational costs in teaching and learning activities for 23 students and three teachers. ShareBreath collaborates with several communities, namely IPB Mengajar, Teach For Indonesia (TFI), HIMDKV Binus University, Nusa Pendidik Community, and Klifonara Binus University. For project Furthermore, ShareBreath invites all elements of society, especially students, teachers and schools to be actively involved in building a better education ecosystem. ShareBreath, share breath for education
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