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PBteen Showcases PlayStation Themed Gaming Lounge

PBteen, the youth-focused branch of Pottery Barn furniture store, teamed up with Sony to create gaming lounge Perfect. This specially designed collection is inspired by the iconic PlayStation symbol, as well as the aesthetics of the PlayStation 4 as a gaming console with the highest sales. Comes with the name PBteen Collection Inspired by PlayStation, a collection that can be seen at official site it consists of furniture, decorative accessories, lighting and functional storage.

The PBteen Collection Inspired by PlayStation is designed with a dark color palette like black and gray, with metallic accents that in plus for creating gaming lounge suitable for game session needs single or multiplayer. There is also a Lounge Table decorated with sharp lines, a Bean Bag that provides comfort in playing or relaxing, and Icons Wall Light which displays the four iconic symbols on the DualShock. controller.

Sony Interactive Entertainment welcomes this collaboration. “This partnership with PBteen, a company known for its stylish, youth-friendly designs, is the perfect complement to the PlayStation brand,” said Asad Qizilbash, Vice President of Marketing at SIE. “There is a very high attention to detail for each collection which is certainly appreciated by fans PlayStation, thus providing a fun and personal to decorate gaming space they.” he added again.

Interested in getting it? To get all the furniture in the PBteen Collection Inspired by PlayStation, gamer have to spend approximately US $ 2000 (about 30 million rupiah). Please note that this collection does not include HDTVs as well as PlayStation 4 consoles. [Aseek]

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