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Blizzard Provides New Report and Sanction System for Overwatch Game

The main problem that is quite seriously felt in the Overwatch game is that a lot of players are leavers, feeders, and trolls. Now Blizzard will provide an updated Report and Penalty system.

This has been promised by Blizzard from last month and to fulfill it, through its community manager, Lylirra stated that Blizzard will give tougher sanctions to the perpetrators leavers, feeders, and also trolls. Those who get reports in the game many times will get sanctions from silenced, suspended, and finally banned from the Overwatch game.

But it seems that PC users are the first to get this update but Blizzard promises to immediately provide this update to Console users. So now you have to behave better and also play properly to avoid reports from other players that can cause your account to be penalized.

In addition, it is reported that cheat users will also be able to get serious sanctions because this action is considered a violation of intellectual property and can lead to legal cases. This has happened in South Korea, which can punish gamers who create and use cheats up to 5 years in prison.

Do you still intend to be a gamer who uses cheats or plays unethically?

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