Hide and Seek Among Us Mode, Rules & Settings How to Play
Among Us is the most popular multiplayer game today. Even since viral to date, Among Us able to beat big name games like Valorant and Fall Guys on Twitch rankings.
So popular, the community Among Us created his own game mode called Hide and Seek, or hide and seek. The Hide and Seek mode starts by customizing the game settings, and it’s proven that many players like this mode.
Get to know Among Us, the Viral Game That Successfully Reached 85 Million Downloads
Unlike the original game, Hide and Seek’s main goal is not to find out who the Imposte is, but to compete to be the best player in hiding.
For those of you who want to try, let’s look at the basic rules and settings for game mode Among Us this one!
Hide and Seek Among Us Mode: Basic Rules

Before starting this new mode, all players in the game must agree to it. This game is most fun when played in the private lobby. Make sure you communicate this in the public lobby first if you play on a public server. After all agree, set the settings as stated in the discussion of the article below.
Here are some basic rules and how to play Hide and Seek mode Among Us which players must agree on:
- At the beginning of the game, all players go directly to the emergency meeting to reveal who the impostor is.
- After the impostor is declared, all players will skip voting and start the game immediately.
- The game begins with all crewmates running and looking for a place to hide. The impostor will stay in place and count for about 10-30 seconds. Once the count is up, Impostor can utter iconic phrases like “ready or not, here I come.” (or any sentence to indicate the round has started)
- Before the Impostor hunts, don’t forget to sabotage lights first (only lights! Don’t sabotage others). Then, just start looking for crewmates.
- Crewmates may not repair lights.
- Don’t report dead crewmates! If you accidentally call an emergency meeting, skip voting immediately.
- While the Impostor hunts, crewmates hide while completing tasks before being eliminated.
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Mode Hide and Seek Among Us: Settings
This Hide and Seek mode can be done with various types of settings. For changes to the settings rules, you can check the guide Among Us here.
Here are the settings that you can apply.
- Impostors: 1
- Emergency Meeting: 1
- Player Speed: 1.5x
- Crewmate Vision: 2x
- Impostor Vision: 0.25x
- Kill Cooldown: 15 seconds
- Kill Distance: Short
- Common Tasks: 0
- Long Tasks: 0
- Short Tasks: 4
You can also change the settings for player speed, crewmate vision, and imposter vision according to your preferences.
As a rule of thumb, Imposte’s vision is assigned a low value, while crewmates’ vision can be set low or high. For kill cooldown, we recommend setting it as low as possible. In essence, the impostor must be able to immediately kill the crewmate without too long an interval.
How to Win in Hide and Seek Mode?
By following the settings above, there are two ways to end this Hide and Seek game mode. The first, crewmates successfully completed all tasks (before being killed by Impostor). Second, all crewmates go into hiding, and the game ends when only one crewmate remains.
In this game mode, everyone is free to communicate. Just make sure not to tell the crewmate’s location! Good luck guys. Have fun!
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