5 Best Offlane Dota 2 Hero Combos With Highest Win Rate on Patch 7.27d
Curious about the best Dota 2 combo hero wombo for offlane? Here’s a list of the most popular hero combinations with the highest win rates in this latest patch.
Since Bloodseeker was made a meta offlane by Team Secret in the OMEGA League, the pick rate of this Dota 2 hero continues to increase.
Even in this 7.27d patch, Bloodseeker is one of the offlane heroes with the highest win rate, at 62.41 percent (up 5 percent since the previous patch!), when combined with Crystal Maiden, based on info from GOSU.AI.
Here is a row of the strongest combo hero wombo to dominate offlane in Dota 2 that you can try!

1. Bloodseeker and Crystal Maiden
Who would have thought that Bloodseeker ranks first in the latest Dota 2 patch with his partner Crystal Maiden?
Bloodseeker itself has a very strong nuke with a large AoE, so it is suitable to be used to dominate the offlane. Unfortunately, Blood Rite BS has a weakness, namely the long cast time. However, with the help of Crystal Nova from Crystal Maiden, this 4.5 second slow effect can give Bloodseeker additional time to prepare his nuke.
Of course, the passive mana regen from Crystal Maiden is also very useful for wasteful heroes like Bloodseeker (especially with his offlane build skill). With Arcane Aura, Bloodseeker will get additional mana and can be used to spam Blood Rite.
2. Underlord and Dark Willow
Since patch 7.27b, Underlord continues to get buffs and his win rate continues to increase. When combined with Dark Willow, these two hero combos provide root abilities with relatively high damage. The entire area will become a dangerous place for the enemies.
The combination of Firestorm and the root effect of Pit of Malice itself has painful damage. Especially if you add Bramble Maze root and Cursed Crown stun delay from Dark Willow.
As long as these two heroes have enough mana, the Damage-over-time effect is guaranteed to make enemies without magic immunity suffer.
3. Necrophos and Nyx Assassin
Nyx itself is a strong frontliner hero who is able to receive heavy damage from enemies because of the high HP regen. This allows Necrophos to farm freely.
In addition, the combo of Hearstopper Aura and Mana Burn will drastically reduce the enemy’s health and mana. If the enemy tries to counter, Nyx can simply use the Spiked Carapace to stun and restore damage to the opponent.
When this lane reaches level 6, these two heroes will get additional damage that is guaranteed to beat your opponents easily. Use Nyx Assassin’s Impale and Vendetta to deal control and damage, then finish with the Reaper Scythe to finish off enemies.
Nyx is also often used to counter Necrophos. So, if you choose this combo, your opponent will have a hard time finding a way to counter.
4. Dark Seer and Spirit Breaker
Dark Seer and Spirit Breaker are one of the Dota 2 hero combinations that are often used even in the previous patch. With the ability of Dark Seer (Surge + Ion Shell), Spirit Breaker can maximize his skills.
Spirit Breaker’s charge speed depends on its movement speed, so it is suitable to be combined with Surge from Dark Seer because of the effect haste his.
In addition, Spirit Breaker can now produce higher Greater Bash damage if movement speed continues to increase. If coupled with Ion Shell from Dark Seer, these two heroes have speed and durability that are difficult to counter.
5. Legion Commander and Warlock
Warlock and Legion Commander are each suitable heroes for offlane. If combined, this duo can bring your team fight to next level!
The combination of Fatal Bonds (Warlock) and Overwhelming Odds (Legion) can produce very painful damage if used at the right time. Fatal Bonds can bind and damage multiple enemies at once. Likewise with Overwhelming Odds which can provide extra damage depending on the number of units in AoE.
Legion Commander himself is also quite good at defending himself in the lane. This hero has passive skills and Press the Attack which can provide health regen and cancel debuffs. If you add Shadow Word Warlock, your opponents will have a hard time killing LC.
Of course, the ‘best’ combo depends on the respective gameplay situation. In addition, it takes the right time for the synergy of the two heroes to work effectively.
So, who is your favorite Dota 2 hero combo?
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