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10 Tips for Playing CSGO for Beginner Level Become a Pro Player

Tips for playing csgo

10 Tips for Playing CSGO for Beginner Level Become a Pro Player – Many tips and tricks to play CSGO from beginner level. Here are 10 tips that you can apply to increase the level of your game.

Having the desire to become the best CSGO player is not an easy thing to achieve. Given that this game has a very competitive game, both on a national and international scale. So it takes hard work and disciplined practice every day.

For those of you who still beginner level or just playing CSGO, there’s a lot you have to practice and learn. One of them is to improve the quality of your game. To be able to have skills or abilities like world CSGO players, you can try to apply the following ten tips.

Tips for Playing CSGO

1. Set Sensitivity

Tips for playing csgo

In all shooting games, a sensitivity setting is always needed. This setting is useful for making your movements easier, especially aim movements. With good sensitivity, you will not be late and not too fast in shooting movements. For the first time, you can use the default sensitivity, but if you feel uncomfortable, you can set it in the settings menu. Keep in mind, Gaess! Never copy people’s sensitivity settings, because basically every player has their own sensitivity. It is allowed to see but after that set your own sensitivity.

2. Recognize Weapons in CSGO

In the past, Gamexran has provided related information the best weapon in CSGO pro player choice that you can learn. These weapons are basic weapons that you must master first. To recognize weapons in CSGO, it is not enough just to know the name of the weapon and the type of weapon. You have to learn how to live recoil and also the damage produced by the weapon.

3. Study the CSGO Map

Avoid playing on the same map. The bad habit of CSGO players is to be comfortable with one map, especially the famous ones. Even though when you are at the tournament stage, you will use several maps later. By studying the map in CSGO, you can find out where players might be hiding. Or the exact place where you have to throw flash banks or grenades. Especially if the enemy throws a smoke bomb somewhere where you can’t see clearly.

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4. Teamwork

Tips for playing csgo

This is a team game, not a game of who can kill the most. From now on, don’t think about getting a lot of kills because it won’t be useful. In pro player games, there is no such thing as a lot of kills. Teamwork is a high level of loyalty, Gaess. If you are selfish, then your team will lose.

5. Use Headset

tips to be a pro csgo player

Function headphones or earphones very important in playing the game. Not so that it is not noisy, but so that you can hear the enemy’s footsteps clearly. By hearing the enemy’s footsteps or movements, you can find out the enemy’s position and set a strategy to carry out an attack.

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6. Watch Pro Player Match

Don’t be shy to learn from others, Gaess. Reading tips and tricks to become a CSGO pro player is not enough. You also need to watch pro player matches to see and learn how they play. Pay attention to their every move, weapon, attack, defense and much more. You can also watch based on their weapon usage. If you are interested in learning to use snipers or AWP, look for matches where the players are good at using snipers, and so on.

7. Crosshair

The position of the crosshair here is very important for you to pay attention to. Place the crosshair straight ahead, or in a ready-to-shoot position. To make it easier, just imagine there is an enemy in front of you. How high the crosshair position should you aim. Usually the pro players will direct the crosshair position as high as the enemy’s head. This makes it easier for you to quickly kill enemies with a headshot position.

8. Alert/Pay Attention to Map

Tips for playing csgo

when you enter the game, there will be a small map that appears at the top right of your screen. This map serves to find out the location of the enemy’s position and the position of your team. Don’t ignore this map, Gaess. Because this map will be very useful to tell you the position of the enemy and your team. So you can adjust the movements and attacks of the nanit.

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9. Santuy

Even though they only play games, many gamers get emotional or even become toxic when they lose or are killed by the enemy. Just stay calm, Gaess. Precisely by staying santuy, you will be more focused in playing. Don’t be angry, let alone slam the keyboard or hit your monitor, hehehe.

10. Practice diligently

Tips for playing csgo

Of all the tips, this number ten is the most important. Why? Because when you already know all the tips that Gamexran gives, it won’t be useful if you don’t practice diligently. All professional players have a training schedule. Even though they were already classified as pro players, they could spend hours every day just practicing. Don’t expect to be a pro player if you’re just lazy to practice.

So, those are 10 tips for playing CSGO for the beginner level to become a pro player. Apply the ten tips above, practice your level of discipline, and don’t forget to dare to join the tournament. It’s all very basic, and easy if you’re patient.


Hopefully it’s useful, Gaess.
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Thank you.

About the author: @ransltn

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