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Introducing Ray-Tracing Graphics, A Modder Creates a Remake of the Legendary Game PepsiMan

Veteran gamers who grew up in the PlayStation era certainly have a lot of memories with classic games. Apart from titles like Harvest Moon: Back to Nature or Crash Bandicoot, the PS1 game that was once the most legendary is definitely Pepsiman. Although it looks like a small game that is not well known, the game actually brings a big evolution in the Auto Runner genre which also combines fun platforming elements in it. As a form of dedication from fans, recently there was a modder who experimented with making Pepsiman in a remake version.

YouTuber Banana Pictures recently uploaded a video of the Pepsiman Remake sighting. He reworked all the assets and created the Pespiman game in a new engine that looks even more fantastic in terms of graphics. This is further enhanced by the support of Ray-Tracing, where you can see more realistic lighting and reflection effects. You can see the gameplay video itself below:

Although it looks good in terms of graphics, but we see that the gameplay feels much slower. This slower game tempo is also exacerbated by animations and character proportions that don’t quite fit. This is certainly different from the classic Pepsiman figure who has a dashing body and can maintain his balance quickly when making mistakes.

The good news is that Banana Pictures may be sharing more new demonstrations, but it’s a shame that he won’t be making the game public. This is because the project is solely for personal gratification, including the potential for some sort of agreement with the Perpsi brand if the game is ever to be released to the public.

So what do you think about Banana Pictures’ PepsiMan Remake? do you still want to see the game get an official remake in the future?

Source: Banana Pictures via YouTube

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