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Supporting Community Growth in Indonesia, LINE Square Presents Special Campaign "LINE Square Membership Program"

Jakarta, 17 September 2018 – Today, LINE Square, service platform community based chat owned by LINE, launched a special membership campaign called “LINE Square Membership Program”. The LINE Square Membership Program provides various benefits for its members to support their respective community activities that can be enjoyed during the membership period.

Through this program, LINE Square also wants to continue to provide support for the growth of communities from various fields in the country. Since its launch in July 2017, the LINE Square community has grown to the current 365,000 Squares and counting. In LINE Square, users can find various communities from different backgrounds, such as Studies, Fashion, Beauty, Games, Film, and Social Communities. Therefore, the LINE Square Membership Program is also present as a form of appreciation for LINE for its users, especially the community that has used LINE Square services.

LINE Square Membership Program Card

“As a service to support and encourage the growth of various communities in Indonesia, LINE Square will continue to strive to provide various facilities that support users throughout Indonesia,” explained Dale Kim, Managing Director of LINE Indonesia. “For this campaign, we will start by selecting 60 Super Squares, but in the future we will continue to increase the number of Super Squares membership so that more Squares will be able to enjoy these benefits.”

The LINE Square Membership Program has a variety of exclusive membership benefits that can support the development of the community. Among them is choosing between co-working space free complete with food catering which is also free or merchandise which can be customized with the name of each Super Square community.

As for those who choose co-working space, this place can be used by more than 50 people for 3 hours with free food catering for 30 people. LINE Square in collaboration with a number of partners co-working space in Indonesia, such as Conclave, COCOWORK, Kolega, Estubizi, and Effist Suite.

On the other hand, if they choose merchandise, they can customize it with their own Square community name. Merchandise provided also vary, ranging from Portable Battery Chargers or power bank, drink bottles, or t-shirts. This option will only be available once during the membership period.

Discount coupons as one of the benefits of the LINE Square Membership Program

In addition, LINE Square also offers discount coupons that can be used at a number of LINE Square partner places, both for Super Squares and other LINE Square users. The amount of the discount varies depending on the status of each membership, of course Super Square will get a bigger discount. This discount coupon, which targets all LINE Square users, can be downloaded by every user by simply joining one of the communities in Square starting September 17, 2018.

A number of LINE Square partners who provide discount coupons for this campaign include Lotteria Indonesia, Angel-in-Us Coffee, Anomali Coffee, Burger King, Cold Stone Ice Cream, and TIX ID. This discount coupon will be different every month. The last exclusive benefit that is no less interesting is the year-end party for admin Super Square. In addition to getting the opportunity to expand their social network, at the end of this year’s party there will also be a prestigious celebration in the form of the Best Super Square Award.

Home and My List LINE Squares (Left), Popular Squares & Categories (Right)

“This LINE Square Membership Program is one of LINE’s real forms of support in providing communication space between communities so that they can continue to grow and provide positive results for the wider community.” close Dale.

In accordance with its mission, “Closing the Distance”, LINE will continue to strive to reduce the distance between users and various services, products and information. One of them is through the LINE Square service which can close the distance between users and various communities throughout Indonesia. More information about LINE Square: [].

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